Introduction to Target Tracks Target Tracks are collections of content that you have selected and organized to provide your visitors with a specific content...
Introduction to Recommend What are Recommend Tracks? Recommend Tracks are collections of content specifically selected by you, and which rely on machine-learning to...
Preview and Publish a Content Track Summary Now that you’ve built your content track, you’re ready to publish it! This article covers: How to preview your...
Apply Track Settings You can access a lot of customization options through track settings. Each individual content track has its own settings you...
How to Use Folders to Organize Classic Experiences For organizing Classic Experiences such as Target and Recommend tracks, Explore Pages and Microsites, PathFactory provides a folder system. This...
Build a Content Track for your Event Promotions (In-Person or Webinar) Get people excited about your event using a Content Track to host all of your pre- and post- event content....
Building content tracks for Social Media/Digital Ads Why give your prospects just a snack when you can give them a buffet of delicious content to consume! Use...