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2024 Release Notes: Release S

Released September 24, 2024

Optimized Mobile Overlay for Templated Experiences Landing Pages – We’ve improved the mobile overlay display on Templated Experiences Landing Pages to now span the full width of the viewer’s screen, delivering more immersive reading and viewing while maximizing content space. To learn more about Landing Pages and how to create them, refer to Introduction to Templated Experiences.

Adjust Font Styles for Desktop and Mobile in Themes  – You can now set different font styles for desktop and mobile views within the same Templated Experience and Content Playlist by editing their Theme. This allows you to tailor the text to be formatted appropriately for each device type, ensuring consistency and readability across all screen sizes. For detailed instructions, read the article, Introduction to Themes

Edit Thumbnail Aspect Ratios in Themes – Set and customize the aspect ratio for thumbnail images by editing a Theme. Choose formats like 16:9 for widescreen content or 4:3 for a more compact view. This ensures your thumbnails display seamlessly across all devices.  This feature ensures your thumbnails maintain a polished look and display seamlessly across all devices. For more details about this feature, read the article, Introduction to Themes

Customize and Reorder Columns in the Content Library – You can now personalize your Content Library view by selecting and reordering the columns that display for content assets. Select the columns you want to display, and drag and drop them to modify their order. These customizations are saved at the user level, ensuring everyone sees their own display  preferences when they log in. Please note that certain default fields, such as the internal name, are required. For more details on customizing your Content Library default view, refer to the article, Tutorial: How to Manage Assets, Tagging and Taxonomy in Your PathFactory Content Library.

Manage User Profiles and Governance in ChatFactory – Manage user profiles and governance in ChatFactory with new features that allow you to control who has access to ChatFactory Agents, switch between Agents, and manage data privacy preferences. For detailed setup instructions, refer to the ChatFactory Quick Start Guide.

More Easily Share Links for Landing Pages and Content Playlists – We’ve standardized and moved the Share Link & Preview buttons to be more visible across configuration tabs in Templated Experience and Content Playlists, as well as added some usability options to the Share Link wizard itself. Customize share links by setting the share domain URL, adding query strings for tracking, and specify a starting asset to display within  an overlay experience. You can also toggle on Segment Rules to personalize the content displayed for different visitor cohorts. For a detailed workflow on how to create sharing links, refer to Introduction to Templated Experiences or Introduction to Content Playlists, depending on which type of Experience you are sharing. 

Custom Categories Now Available for Webhook Data – You can now include Custom Categories from the Content Library in your webhook data. When creating a Custom Category, a new checkbox allows you to add the category and its associated tags to webhook data. This feature extends the functionality of Custom Categories, enabling them to be captured in webhook payloads. To read details on how to create Custom Categories, have a look at How to Create Custom Taxonomy Categories and Tags, a section in the article, Tutorial: How to Manage Assets, Tagging and Taxonomy in Your PathFactory Content Library.

Views: 50

Updated on October 18, 2024
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