PathFactory-Marketo Integration Summary To get the most out of Marketo and PathFactory, you’ll need to set up Marketo’s API. The API allows...
Storing PathFactory Data in Marketo Summary This article describes where PathFactory engagement data appears in Marketo. Your PathFactory engagement data will only appear in Marketo...
Marketo Custom Object Integration This article outlines the steps needed to set up a Marketo Custom Object integration using the API integration between PathFactory...
Send data to Marketo using the API Form Submission Exports in PathFactory In 2021, Marketo disabled posts to save2 endpoint. As a result, PathFactory switched to utilizing the Marketo Form Submit API...
Using PathFactory Data in your Marketo Lead Scoring Model Summary Lead scoring is a key component of an efficient marketing and sales process. By assigning scores to your leads,...
Fast Moving Buyer Alerts in Marketo Overview Fast Moving Buyer Alerts are a great way to let sales know about a hot lead. What is an...
On-Demand Nurture in Marketo Table of Contents 1. Overview and Prerequisites 2. Planning 3. Programs 4. Streams 5. Smart Lists 6. Smart Campaigns Optional...
Code Snippets for Marketo Form Validation to Exclude Certain Email Domains The following script can be used to add a validation rule to your Marketo Forms within PathFactory. This can be helpful in ensuring that visitors are submitting their business email addresses and not any personal or test emails.