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View analytics for your content in Website Tools

Website Tools provides extensive insights into and analysis of your content. The three content dashboards bring together content metadata, compliance data, and engagement data so you and your team can make better marketing and business decisions. This article overviews the content dashboards and a few interesting data points.

Access the following dashboards in the main navigation under Path Analytics > Website Tools > Content.

Analysis dashboard

The content analysis dashboard provides a detailed view of your overall content inventory and a deep audit of your content. Think of this dashboard as a health check to help you better understand the content you already have and how to improve it.

You can get a better understanding of your content attributes including:

  • Estimated reading time of each content asset
  • Readability score of each content asset
  • Content summary
  • Keywords and keyphrases
  • Language
  • Gap analysis such as missing og_images

The charts at the top of the dashboard provide an aggregate view of all the analyzed content. Check out the following descriptions of some interesting data points.

Readability ease score: content is assessed for readability according to the Flesch–Kincaid readability score. On this scale, a higher number is good (a score of 80 is easy), while lower numbers are bad (a score of 10 is very difficult).

The embedded bar graph provides an at-a-glance view of how readable your content is. If you want to target your very difficult content for a rewrite, select the Very Difficult bar to load a list of all content assets with that score.

Top 25 keywords: this word cloud provides an at-a-glance view of the most common keywords that appear in your content. Select any keyword to view:

  • Assets that contain the keyword
  • How many times the keyword appears in each asset

Top 25 keyphrases: this word cloud provides an at-a-glance view of the most common keyphrases (2+ words that appear together) in your content. Select any keyphrase to view:

  • Assets that contain the keyphrase
  • How many times the keyphrase appears in each asset

Both of the word clouds can help you answer the following questions about your content.

  • Does my content align with the keywords I bought?
  • Does my content target the right SEO search terms?
  • Are we using outdated terms or phrases?

Ideal read time: this bar graph shows how your content is distributed across different reading times. Select any bar to see a list of all content assets with that reading time. This information can help you answer the following questions.

  • Do I have enough content for each funnel stage?
  • Do I have too much or too little long- or short-form content?

Scroll to the Asset Level Summary table at the bottom of the dashboard to view data broken down by individual assets. You can take a deep dive into any individual content asset by selecting its title, which loads its Content Analysis Details. This page provides the following information:

  • Read time
  • Readability score
  • Number of words
  • Number of keyphrases and keywords
  • Number of sentences

Compliance dashboard

The content compliance dashboard provides data on how well your content complies with accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO) standards.

Creating content that meets accessibility standards not only results in a better site, it means your company is meeting its obligations to accommodate those with disabilities.

SEO is another important compliance area. If your content doesn’t comply with SEO standards, search engines either won’t index your content or won’t rank it highly in search results.

The challenge with both accessibility and SEO compliance is figuring out if your content complies and where the gaps are. The compliance dashboard’s powerful gap analysis does this work for you through an automated audit of your web content. Instead of trying to find the problems, you and your team can focus on fixing them.

The charts at the top of the dashboard provide an aggregate view of all the analyzed content. Check out the following descriptions of some interesting data points.

No. of HTML tags in accessibility across web pages: this bar graph provides an at-a-glance view of how many tags do or don’t comply with accessibility standards. The graph highlights the following compliance areas:

  • Alt text in images: checks that all images on the page have alt text, which is read by screen readers
  • Alt text in image input buttons: checks that all images of buttons have alt text, which is read by screen readers
  • Title text in iFrame content: checks for the existence of a title for all content in an iFrame
  • Form labels: checks for the existence of labels on all form inputs
  • Track tags in video: checks for the existence of the track tag, which is used to add subtitles, captions, or other text to videos
  • Content language: checks that the site identifies its language
  • Page title: checks for the existence of a page title, which is read by a screen reader

No. of HTML tags in SEO across web pages: this bar graph provides an at-a-glance view of how many tags do or don’t comply with SEO standards. If you want to focus on fixing non-compliance, select any red bar to see a list of all the URLs that are non-compliant. The graph highlights the following compliance areas:

  • Using iFrame: checks for any content that’s in an iFrame
  • Multiple H1 tags: checks for multiple H1 tags on the page, since each page should only have one
  • Long page titles: checks for long page titles that exceed the recommended length
  • H1 tag on page: checks for the existence of an H1 tag
  • Long meta descriptions: checks for long meta descriptions that exceed the recommended length
  • Meta descriptions: checks for the existence of meta descriptions
  • Meta tag – viewport: checks for the existence of this tag, which sets the visible area of a web page and is important for different screen sizes
  • Page title: checks for the existence of a page title
  • Unoptimized images: checks if any images on the page aren’t optimized for the web

Scroll to the Web Page Detail chart at the bottom of the dashboard to view data broken down by individual pages.

You can take a deep dive into any single web page by selecting its title, which loads its Webpage Compliance Details. This page breaks down all the compliant and non-compliant HTML tags so you have specific, actionable data for improving the page. In particular, check out the Compliance details for HTML tags chart. This chart outlines each SEO and accessibility area and how many tags on the page do or don’t comply. In the following example, we see that 7 images on the page require alt text.

Compliance Details for HTML tags
Compliance Details for HTML tags

Engagement dashboard

The content engagement dashboard provides robust data on the engagement of all your content assets within Website Tools. You can understand who is engaging and how they’re engaging with your content.

The charts at the top of the dashboard provide an aggregate view of all the analyzed content. Check out the following descriptions of some interesting data points.

Page views (recommendation lift): this bar graph demonstrates how many additional views a particular page received as a result of clicks on the asset within either Guide or Concierge.

Average scroll depth: this metric represents how far a visitor is scrolling on the asset. If the number is low, you might decide to rewrite the opening to create a more engaging hook.

Content binge rate: This metric references the number of assets that have had sessions in which the visitor looked at more than one asset, divided by the total number of assets that have received any views. Example: A Content Binge Rate of 30% means that on average, out of each of 10 asset views that have occurred, 3 of these views resulted in the visitor looking at at least one other asset in their engagement session.

Scroll to the Content Summary table at the bottom of the dashboard to view the data broken down by individual assets. Select any asset title to load its content journey page and take a deep dive into its individual engagement data. You can view all the previously outlined metrics for the asset, as well as the following.

Content performance: this bar graph shows how long visitors spent engaging with the asset. Select any bar to see all the visitors who viewed the asset.

Top visitors: this chart shows how long individual visitors spent on the asset. Select any visitor to load the visitor journey dashboard, which shows you all the assets they engaged with.

Top accounts: this chart shows visitors to the asset who all originated from the same account. Select any account name to load the account journey dashboard, which shows all the visitors’ engagement across your content.

Updated on June 27, 2023

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