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2020 Release Notes: Release I

We are proud to announce that Release 2020 I is now live! We’ve made improvements to many new and existing areas within PathFactory including Track Protection and the look and feel of Content Tracks and Explore pages. We listened to you and implemented features and benefits you told us were important.

Track Protection Enhancements

Note: this feature has been updated since it was launched. It is now called Access Protection and is described in more detail in Access Protection Set-up and Configuration.

In our previous release, we introduced Track Protection to require authentication by email to access a content track or explore page. Since then, we have extended this functionality to include our Virtual Event solution, VEX, and made several improvements to it.

Previously, the email confirmation page presented to those trying to access the content was not customizable. Now, you can easily customize the message presented and a helper message which appears in the bottom of the modal window and can accept text or HTML.


To customize the email confirmation page, navigate to Languages > Select the Language you wish to edit > Track Protection.


In the Track Protection Tab, you can customize the email authentication title and the helper message. When a Content Track, Explore Page, or VEX Event is protected and you choose a language which has been customized the text you’ve set will appear.

We’ve also created a new tab within Organization Settings for Track Protection to house Track Protection settings. At the moment, the field you’ll see in this section is the global expiry time for email authentication emails. This is how long an authentication email will work for before it can no longer be used to get into content. Note this field must be set to 24 hours or greater and must be an integer or whole number.


You can also add email domains and email addresses in bulk as comma separated lists, which makes it easier to maintain access control to content and events in a more automated way. Start by navigating to Track Protection.


From here, when adding email domains or addresses, you can add them in bulk (by pressing the return key after entering an email or email domain) or by copying and pasting comma separated email addresses or domains. When you’ve entered multiple email addresses or email domains it will look like this:


Appearance Enhancements

Clone the Default Appearance Setting

You’ve always been able to clone appearance settings but you haven’t been able to clone the Default appearance setting, until now. When adding a new appearance setting, you’ll notice you can now select Default as a Clone From option, giving you even more scalability and flexibility when configuring appearances.


Hero Text Drop Shadow


Previously our Explore page hero text included a subtle drop shadow behind the text (pictured left), we have removed this dropshadow (right) by default. If you wish to add the drop shadow back you can do so by adding the following css to your explore page advanced customization:


Remove Download Button from Header

The standard header you can configure in your PathFactory Appearance Settings includes Social Sharing Icons. One of these icons is a download button. This button makes sense when the header is used in a Content Track, however when in an Explore page the button does not do anything. As of this release, we automatically hide it when the header is used on an Explore Page.


Other: Bug Fixes

  • URL Validation – we no longer allow the ‘.’ character to be entered into the URL of an asset URL Slug, Content Track, Explore Page, VEX Session, or VEX Event because in a URL a ’.’ is reserved for specific purposes. We will automatically remove it, change it to a ‘-’ or produce an error message depending on where and how it is entered.
  • Custom Font Issue – For custom fonts we have added for our customers, if the font name contained a number it wouldn’t load in a content track or explore page. This bug has been addressed and these fonts now load.
  • Overlay Content Track Sharing – Previously if a social share button was clicked on in a Content Track which had been overlaid on a webpage, the shared link was causing the experience to be sized as if it were an overlay. This bug has been addressed and simply displays as a normal content track.
  • Form Modal Closing Bug – In some scenarios, PathFactory customers were reporting that our form modal window (using a custom HTML form) was not closing upon the form being submitted. This bug has been addressed.
  • Missing text on auto-generated PDF thumbnail – When you add a PDF to the content library we automatically generate a thumbnail which is used in various places. Of course, you can update this thumbnail yourself. In some cases our customers were reporting some text was missing on automatically generated thumbnails. This bug has been addressed and text is now displayed on these thumbnails.
  • Flow Promoter missing on Vidyard videos – In some cases when a Vidyard video was placed in a Target – Flow content track, promoters were now showing properly. This bug has been addressed.
  • Password Expiry on SSO  – Previously if a PathFactory customer was using SSO and also had password expiry turned on, PathFactory was prompting users to reset their password even though a password was not applicable. This bug has been addressed.
  • Adding new Topics to Recommend Topic Sidebar – In our 2020 Release E we made an update which prevented content tagged to a new topic from having that topic automatically displayed in a Recommend Content Track with a Topic Sidebar. We found in some cases new topics were continuing to display when they were added to an asset. This bug has been addressed.

Website Tools and VEX

We are excited to announce Website Tools and VEX are now available for customers.

Website Tools is a new suite of capabilities to understand and optimize the customer and buyer experience by recommending the most relevant content on your website to each individual visitor and also tracks their complete content journey on every page on your website. Think Netflix but for B2B Content Marketing. Your customers’ personal home screen is your website, in real time. And an always-on experience is delivered.

Virtual Event Experience (VEX) leverages all of PathFactory’s existing platform features and sits as a new module within PathFactory to deliver a modern virtual event interface. It provides attendees seamless access to keynotes and sessions, keeping them highly engaged, and providing a great experience. VEX captures the detailed down-to-the-second engagement of every virtual attendee – a key indicator of interest and intent to purchase. With this user experience and insight, event marketers can drive outcomes like accelerating demand generation, increasing deal velocity, and improving win rates. VEX sits squarely between a plain old webinar and the highly customized, avatar-focused event platforms.

Contact your Account Executive or Customer Success Manager today to learn more!

Updated on April 13, 2023

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