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  4. Using Pardot Forms in Content Tracks

Using Pardot Forms in Content Tracks

There are 2 different methods to have a Pardot form appear in a Content Track.

The first involves having the form appear in our Lead Capture frame (ie. adding the form to your Forms Library), while the second entails adding the form to PathFactory as an asset.

We strongly recommend that the Lead Capture frame be used to serve a Pardot form in a Content Track whenever possible. Using the Lead Capture frame has the following advantages:

  • Filling out the form can be made optional using the “Allow Visitors to Dismiss Form” behavior when adding the form to a Content Track
    • This can be useful in scenarios in which you want your leads to continue self-educating and engaging with your content, even if they are not yet ready to fill out a form.
  • Using our Lead Capture frame also allows you to control when the form will appear.
    • Your leads will be prompted to fill out a form only after they have engaged with your gated content asset for a set amount of time (which you control).
  • Our Lead Capture frame does not take over the entire screen nor does it completely hide the gated asset like a traditional gating form does.

Method 1: Using a Pardot Form Landing Page

This method describes how to use HTML to embed Pardot form in a content track. By doing this, you are adding visitor information to your Pardot metrics and analytics that you can use to target your visitors. For example, you can create a Nurture campaign for specific market segments.

For this method, you will be creating the form in Pardot, and then adding it to PathFactory.

When using an external form in PathFactory you will need to add a PathFactory Capture Tag to your form confirmation page. This will ensure that PathFactory receives the form submission data and is able to identify the visitor.
  1. As you are creating the form in Pardot, you’ll go through those steps in Pardot, and then on the Thank you Content tab, click on the code snippet icon on the right most corner, and then paste the following code there.
<script id="lookbook-capture-tag" src="https://app.cdn.lookbookhq.com/libraries/capture/capture.js" data-email="%%email%%"></script>

2. Now you have a form in Pardot that you can add to PathFactory. Copy the URL of the form (automatically created by Pardot). See screen capture below.

Pardot form interface
Pardot form interface

3. Log in to your PathFactory instance.

4. Click the Gear icon on the top right of the screen and then select Forms

Forms Menu
Forms Menu

5. On the screen that appears, click +Add Form.

Form Configuration
Form Configuration screen

6. In the popup window, enter a name for your new form, and then click Add Form.

Add Form
Add Form popup menu

7. Now you see a right panel to finish configuring your new form. Notice the Form Type section on the panel. 

Form Side Panel
Form Side Panel

8. Hover your mouse over the Form Type, and in the drop down list that appears, select Custom HTML. Then click Save

CustomHTML 2
Custom HTML

9. The panel changes to show an option for Custom HTML. Hover your mouse over this option and then click + Add Custom HTML.

Add Custom HTML

10.  Copy the snippet below, and paste it into a PathFactory form as Custom HTML, replacing the URL in bold text below with your Pardot secure form URL:

<iframe src="https://go.pardot.com/l/00000/2020-05-13/0000dl" width="100%" height="100%" type="text/html" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border: 0"></iframe>
    window.addEventListener("message", function(event){
            window.parent.postMessage(event.data, "*");
        return true;


1. Copy the URL from your Pardot form.

Pardot form interface
Pardot form interface

2. Add your form to the Forms Library and select Custom HTML for Form Type.

SelectCustomHTML 1
Select Custom HTML

Your form will appear inside our Lead Capture frame on top of the Content Track, as shown below.

Example of a lead capture form
Example of a lead capture form

Method 2: Embedding the Form as an Asset

The other option is to add the landing page/webpage where the Pardot form is hosted as an asset, first by uploading to the Content Library, and then adding it to the content track.

Upload your Pardot form as a content asset using the form’s URL as shown below.

Pardot forms interface
Pardot forms interface


In this example, you have added your content asset form to the Content Track, and your form appears as an asset within the Content Track.

Example of a Content Track
Example of a Content Track

Views: 55

Updated on April 13, 2023
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