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  4. Using Eloqua Forms in Content Tracks

Using Eloqua Forms in Content Tracks


There are 3 different methods to have a Eloqua form appear in a Content Track.
The first two methods involve having the form appear in our Lead Capture frame (by adding the Eloqua form to the PathFactory Forms Library), while the third entails adding the form to PathFactory as an asset.

We strongly recommend that the Lead Capture frame be used to serve a Eloqua form in a Content Track whenever possible. Using the Lead Capture frame has the following advantages:

  • Filling out the form can be made optional using the “Allow Visitors to Dismiss Form” behavior when adding the form to a Content Track
    • This can be useful in scenarios in which you want your leads to continue self-educating and engaging with your content, even if they are not yet ready to fill out a form.
      imageAllow Visitors to Dismiss Form toggle

      imageExample of a form

  • Using our Lead Capture frame also allows you to control when the form will appear.
    • Your leads will only be prompted to fill out a form after they have engaged with your gated content asset for a set amount of time (which you control).
  • Our Lead Capture frame does not take over the entire screen nor does it completely hide the gated asset like a traditional gating form does.
    imageExample of a form

The two methods that involve adding a Eloqua form to a content track using our Lead Capture frame are as follows:

  1. Using Eloqua Form Code (adding as a Custom HTML form)
  2. Using an Eloqua Form Landing Page (adding as an External URL form)

Method 1: Using Eloqua Form Code

You can copy the form code from Eloqua and paste it into our Custom HTML option available in our Forms Library.

You will need to add a Capture Tag to ensure that your form fills are associated with your visitors’ engagement data.

Method 2: Using an Eloqua Form Landing Page

Alternatively, you can use the External URL option available in our Forms Library if you prefer to have the form embedded in a Eloqua Landing Page or an external webpage.

You will need to add a Capture Tag to ensure that your form fills are associated with your visitors’ engagement data.

Method 3: Adding the Form as an Asset

The other option that you have is to add the landing page/webpage where the Eloqua form is hosted as an asset to the content track.

You will need to add a Capture Tag to ensure that your form fills are associated with your visitors’ engagement data.
Updated on April 13, 2023

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