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  5. PathFactory Microsite Report Glossary

PathFactory Microsite Report Glossary

We have created a glossary for the reports interface. Read below to find definitions for report tabs and tab contents.


This tab provides insights on reach (who are your audience) for your Microsites.

Reach tab for Microsites analyses

Content Tracks (Engaged): Number of tracks with traffic associated with Microsites.

Unique Assets Viewed: Number of unique content/assets viewed.

Landing Page – Assets: For Landing pages of Microsites.

Track – Assets (Engaged): For Track in Microsites only.

# of Visits: Number of sessions/visits.

Landing Page – Visits Only: For Landing pages of Microsites.

Track – Visits: For Track in Microsites only.

# of Page views: Number of page views.

Landing Page – Visits Only: For Landing pages of Microsites.

Track – Visits: For Track in Microsites only.

Unique Visitors: Unique count of visitors (Identity/email/cookies).

Landing Page – Visits Only: For Landing pages of Microsites.

Track – Visits: For Track in Microsites only.

% Visitors to Track: Percentage of visitors who viewed tracks from Microsite landing page. Rate of visitor conversion.

# of Accounts: Unique Accounts (6sense).

Landing Page – Visits Only: For Landing pages of Microsites.

Track – Visits: For Track in Microsites only.

% Accounts to Track: Percentage of Accounts who viewed tracks from Microsite landing page. Rate of Account conversion.

Audience – Visitors: Provides detailed view of every visitors visiting the Microsites.

Audience-Visitors detailed view

Audience – Accounts: Provides a detailed view of every Accounts visiting the Microsites.

Audience-Accounts detailed view


This tab provides insights on Engagement (Behaviour) of visitors to your Microsites.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated
Engagement tab

# of Visits: Number of sessions/visits.

Page views: Numbers of page views.

Binge Rate: Number of visitors who binge track content (view at least 2 pieces of contents per session), excluding landing page view. 

Session Level Engagement: KPIs regarding each session/visit.

Session Level Engagement details


This tab provides insights on Performance of your Microsites.

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated
Performance tab

Landing Page Performance: Performance of each landing page in the Microsites.

Track Performance: Performance of tracks associated with the Microsites.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated
Track performance example

Content Performance: Measure the performance of contents associated with your Microsites.

Channel Performance: Performance of different channels (by source and medium) captured through query string if available. 

Legacy Report

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated
Legacy report example

Sessions: Number of unique sessions/visits combined of landing page and tracks of the microsite.

Page Views: Numbers of page views combined of landing page and tracks of the Microsite.

Visitors: Number of Unique count of visitors (Identity/email/cookies) combined of landing page and tracks of the Microsite.

Unique Assets Viewed: Number of unique content/assets viewed combined of landing page and tracks of the Microsite.

Total View Time: Aggregated time spend on every assets in Microsites.

Content Tracks: Number of tracks associated with Microsites with traffic.

Microsite Performance: Content/Asset level KPIs.

Microsite Track Performance: Performance of various tracks, excluding landing page

Visitor Performance: Performance of different visitors for the selected Microsites.

Microsite Form Performance: This custom report provides insights on Forms Captured through Microsites.

Form Capture insights

Modal Shown: Number of times the Form Modal was surfaced to the visitor.

Form Captures: Number of Forms Captured (Filled and Submitted).

Form Capture Rate: Percentage of form fills compared to modal shown.

Form Capture Performance details

Form Capture Performance:  Performance of forms by each Track in the Microsites.

Forms in Track details

By Forms in Track: Performance of each forms (handy while multiple forms are configured in a Track) within the Track associated with Microsites.

Updated on March 27, 2023

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