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Integrating PathFactory and Tableau


This article covers:

  • How to integrate your PathFactory instance with your Tableau Desktop account (to automatically send your PathFactory data into Tableau)


How to Integrate PathFactory and Tableau Desktop

  1. On the Tableau Data Source Connect Page, select Web Data Connector.
    If you don’t see it listed in the left menu, click More and select it from the full menu.
    Web Data Connector setting
    Web Data Connector setting
  2. Enter the following URL for the web data connector: https://app.cdn.lookbookhq.com/libraries/tableau/connector.html
    The URL will appear in the top address bar. Press Enter on your keyboard.
    imageWeb Connector URL field

    imageBrowser URL Address

  3. On the following page, enter a valid PathFactory Public API Key and the date range for the data you wish to analyze.
    imagePublic API Key field

  4. Drag the Visitor Sessions + Page Views Standard Connection into the “Drag tables here” area.
    imageDrag Tables Here 

  5. Click Update Now to load the data. You can now build your worksheets and dashboards from this data!
    imageUpdate Now button

At a high level, Visitor Sessions are the grouping of individual, continuous Visitor Page Views.

The sessions provides totals, such as the number of unique assets viewed and the total duration that the visitor spent with a PathFactory content track (what we used to call content experiences).

Each Visitor Page View has information on the content viewed as well as the time spent on that content.

Views: 32

Updated on April 14, 2023
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