CSV Upload How-To


PathFactory offers an efficient solution for managing your content assets through CSV file maintenance. This article is designed to help you update the list of content assets in your Content Library. Below is an overview of how to update the Content Library.

  1. Download your current list of content assets contained in a CSV file.
  2. Make necessary edits to the CSV file.
  3. Upload the updated file back into your Content Library, ensuring your content remains current and accurately reflects any changes.

You can update one, a few, or all existing contents in the Content Library.

How to Download a List of Content from the Content Library

To download a CSV file listing all content in your Content Library, follow these steps.

Access your Content Library and click the download button as shown in the screen capture below. Clicking the download button will automatically download a CSV file to your computer, listing all content assets currently residing in your Content Library.

Content Library download button
Content Library download button

The downloaded CSV file has the exact format as the CSV bulk upload template. An example of a CSV file is shown below.

CSV file example
CSV file example

Example Use-Case
Download your Content Library, edit your content assets’ titles, tags, and more directly in the CSV file, then upload the file back to you Content Library. All changes you made will then be updated in your Content Library!

How to Edit Content in Content Library Using CSV Upload

  1. First, download your Content Library to a CSV file.
  2. After you’ve made your edits to the CSV file, return to the Content Library.
  3. Click Add Assets.

    Add Assets
    Add Assets
  4. On the menu that opens, select Bulk Upload Using CSV File.

    Bulk Upload
    Bulk Upload Using CSV File option
  5. On the menu that opens, add your CSV file by clicking Browse and then following the prompts to locate the file on your computer. On this menu make sure you activate the Overwrite all duplicate assets checkbox, highlighted in the screen capture below.

    Add Assets via CSV menu
    Add Assets via CSV menu

More Information

For updating the existing Content Library, the source URL of the content asset must match the URL field on the CSV file.

When the uploaded CSV is processing, we compare the URL field in the CSV file and Source URL in the Content Library. If these two match, we consider them to be the same content, and update all fields for that content with existing information within the CSV file.

If a piece of content has fields which are filled out in the Content Library, but you then delete these values from the fields in the CSV file, once you reupload the CSV file those fields will be overwritten with the null values.
If you don’t want to accidentally make changes to content you’re not editing with the CSV process, delete them from the CSV file before you edit and reupload it.
Content cannot be deleted from the Content Library by deleting it from the CSV file.

How to Upload Content Using the CSV Template

  1. In the Content Library, click Add Assets.
    Add Assets
    Add Assets

    Add Content button

  2. On the menu that opens, select the Bulk Upload Using CSV File option.

    Bulk Upload
    Bulk Upload
  3. Next, select the link for the Content Template (.csv), as highlighted in the screen capture below. After you click the link, a copy of the CSV upload template is automatically downloaded onto your computer.

    CSV Template Link
    CSV Template Link
  4. On your computer, find and open the CSV template and fill out the rows with your content assets.
    See below for tips on formatting your CSV template.
    CSV file example
    CSV file example
  5. Save your CSV file.
    Ensure that the file is saved as a CSV.

    imageFile save as

  6. Return to the PathFactory upload page, click Browse. Also ensure you have selected the checkbox Replace duplicate content assets.

    Add Assets Browse button
    Add Assets Browse button


  7. Follow the prompts to located and select the CSV file to which you added the material for the Content Library. Select the edited CSV file, and click Upload File.

    Upload button
    Upload button
  8. The menu updates to confirm you requested to upload a CSV file. To exit this process without finishing uploading the CSV file, click Cancel. To continue with the upload process, click Done.

    Upload Confirmation menu
    Upload Confirmation menu
  9. Your content assets will now be uploaded, and you will receive an email when the upload is complete.
    If there were any errors during the upload process, they will be noted in the email. Download the attached log to see what the errors occurred. See the CSV Upload Error Messages below to learn what each message means.

    imageCSV upload process error message

All fields can be edited in the Content Library once the content assets have been uploaded.

Tips for Formatting the CSV File

  • URL (Mandatory Field): Include the full URL, include HTTP/HTTPS
  • Title (Mandatory Field): This is the public title of the asset (ie. what visitors will see in your Content Tracks)
  • Description: This text will appear when using a header in any Target or Recommend Content Track
  • Content Type: This must be one of your existing content types (to check what content types you have, navigate to the Content Tags Configuration page)
  • Engagement Score: Enter the score that a visitor will earn once they have viewed the content asset for the specified amount of time (as defined in the Engagement Time field)
  • Engagement Time: Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that a visitor must view the content asset before they earn an engagement score
  • Custom URL Slug: The URL Slug is the last part of the URL for a content asset when it is shown in a content track
  • Internal Name: The Internal Name is only visible within your PathFactory instance, and will not be seen by the public
  • Funnel Stage: Tag content assets with a funnel stage to help you make content tracks for specific stages in the buyer’s journey
  • Estimated Cost: Enter the approximate cost of the content asset, rounded up to the dollar (do not include currency symbols or commas)
  • Language: Enter the language of the content asset; the language must be one found in the list of languages available in PathFactory
  • Business Unit: This must be one of your existing Business Unit tags (to check what Business Units you have, navigate to the Content Tags Configuration page)
  • Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD): If you want the content asset to be marked as expired after a certain date, enter that date here using the YYYY-MM-DD format
  • External ID: External IDs can be used for internal tagging and organization
  • Topics: Enter the topic(s) you want to tag the content asset with.
    • If you’re editing the CSV file in Excel and want to add multiple topics, simply separate the topics with a comma
    • If you’re editing the CSV file in a text editor and want to add multiple topics, put the topics in quotations in the following format: “topic1, topic2, topic3”
    • If you use topics which are not yet in your PathFactory instance, uploading with CSV will add these topics (even if you are not an Admin user)

One more thing to note:

  • If you’re editing the CSV file in a text editor, press the enter key to create a new row (for each new content asset)

CSV Upload Error Messages

If there are any issues with the CSV file you upload, you will be notified via email once the upload process is complete. It will contain one or more of the following error messages:

Error Message Situation

CSV cannot be empty

File is empty

CSV is improperly formatted or contains invalid columns

File is improperly formatted

CSV is improperly formatted or contains invalid columns

CSV contains extra columns

Uploaded CSV cannot be accessed

Cannot access file on S3

CSV cannot contain duplicate columns

CSV contains duplicate columns

Must provide a content url

URL field empty

FOO is not a valid url

URL field improperly formatted

FOO returned invalid response (404)

URL returns a non-200 response when navigated to. Ensure that you entered a valid URL

Validation failed: Url already exists

URL already exists as another content asset
(URL uniqueness is scoped to the Organization. You can re-add content URLs after the content has been deleted. This validation also covers the same url with different protocols (http vs https))

Validation failed: Url cannot be displayed in a content experience due to frame security policy

URL webpage cannot be iframed

Validation failed: Slug is invalid. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores are allowed.

Slug field contains non-alphanumeric characters

Validation failed: Title can’t be blank

Title field empty

Validation failed: Title is too long (maximum is 255 characters)

Title field is longer than 255 characters

Couldn’t find ContentType

Content Type does not exist with the given name

Validation failed: Engagement weight is not a number

Engagement Score field is not a number

Validation failed: Engagement weight must be greater than or equal to 0

Engagement Score field is less than 0

Validation failed: Engagement weight must be less than or equal to 8

Engagement Score field is greater than 8

Validation failed: Engagement threshold is not a number

Engagement Time field is not a number

Validation failed: Engagement threshold must be greater than or equal to 0

Engagement Time field is less than 0

Validation failed: Internal title is too long (maximum is 255 characters)

Internal Title field is longer than 255 characters

Funnel Stage value should be the following options: Bottom of Funnel, Middle of Funnel, Top of Funnel

Funnel Stage does not exist with the given name (Top of Funnel, Middle of Funnel, Bottom of Funnel)

Validation failed: Estimated cost is not a number

Estimated Cost field is not a number

Validation failed: Estimated cost must be greater than or equal to 0

Estimated Cost field is less than 0

Validation failed: Estimated cost must be less than or equal to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Estimated Cost field is greater than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Validation failed: Language must be a known language

Language field is not found on our list of known languages.

Invalid Business Unit

Business Unit does not exist with the given name

Validation failed: Expiry date is invalid. Please use the format YYYY-MM-DD

Expiry Date field is incorrectly formatted

Validation failed: Expiry date must be in the future

Expiry Date field is in the past

Views: 116

Updated on June 2, 2024
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