Getting Started
When building your event in PathFactory, the navigation configuration tab allows you to build custom event navigation. In some respects this functionality combined with the Landing Page Builder allows you to make a microsite for your event. Some PathFactory customers have used the navigation feature in VEX to allow users to navigate directly to particular sessions, while others have mixed in VEX Landing Pages or other pages on their website. Because the navigation is nested and allows for multiple layers of depth you can even contain your full agenda in the navigation if you wish. Here is an example of navigation in action (in this case an agenda):
As you build your navigation you’ll notice a tree structure begin to form which is representative of how the navigation bar will be structured for the event page. This configuration is solely managed by your team and is extremely customizable.
To start building your navigation, start by heading to the navigation tab within your event configuration, then click ‘+ Add Navigation Item’ button in the top right corner.
You will then see a modal pop-up window that will allow you to give the navigation item a name (which is what will appear in the navigation itself) and an dropdown menu to choose from 4 types of navigation items:
The four types of navigation you can choose from are:
- Landing Page: You can select any previously built landing page. Refer to Creating VEX Landing Pages to build Landing Pages which can be used in your navigation.
- Link: If you select ‘link’ you can add any external URL. This can either be set to open within the same tab or in a new tab.
- Session: You can select any specific session from within your event
- Text: This option is used as a non-clickable navigation item. It is meant to be used as a placeholder before a destination is available or as an navigation item umbrella where that item is not clickable and is used to nest other options.
Managing Navigation
Clicking remove will delete the navigation item from the navigation tree. Important: note that the ‘Remove’ button does NOT ask for confirmation and will immediately delete the navigation item.
You can use the handle on the left side of each navigation item to reorder it to achieve your desired navigation menu structure. You can also choose to nest navigation items inside other navigation items to create a tree structure which will be reflected in the navigation to your event attendees.
There is no edit button so if you want to update a navigation item, you will need to add a new one with any updates you wish to make to the name or link destination.
Your navigation can go a total of 2 nested layers deep. As an example your navigation can look like this:
Within the Event, to an attendee, this navigation would look like this:
Views: 4