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Aprimo Integration FAQs

How Can I Get Started on This Feature?

If you are a PathFactory customer and use Aprimo as your DAM, you must first contact your PathFactory CSM so they can turn on this service for your PathFactory instance.

Why Do I Need to Set Up Mapping?

Mapping between PathFactory and Aprimo fields ensures correct values are populated in the respective fields in the content library (during both the import and sync process).

Since the import process works similar to CSV upload, if any values are missing then the content will not be imported. Read Introduction to Using Aprimo with PathFactory for more details.

Will All of the Values Get Populated?

With the exception of the “Content-Type” and “Funnel Stage” fields, if you have mapped the rest of the PathFactory fields to your Aprimo fields they will get populated. If the values in Aprimo match what you have entered in “Content-Type” (Content Tag) they will populate. Similarly, the Funnel Stage tag will be recognized by PathFactory only if the corresponding Aprimo asset is tagged by one of the three options “Top of Funnel”, “Middle of Funnel”, and “Bottom of Funnel.”

Can I Update the Mapping After I Have Imported the Contents?

Yes, you can update the mapping in PathFactory once assets have been imported. If the field names in Aprimo get changed, make sure to update the mapping to reflect the new names. Based on the mapping, all the associated field values will also get updated during the 24-hour sync process. 

When Will I Know the Import Has Been Completed?

Similar to CSV upload, when the import process is complete, you receive one of two emails: import success or import failed along with a list of the errors and their details.

What Content Format Types Can I Import?

You can import PDFs, Images, Videos, and MP4 files via this integration if your organization has a public link enabled in your Aprimo instance. 

Does the Current Integration Support Videos?

Yes, video files are supported and will be displayed in the default browser player if your organization has a public link enabled in your Aprimo instance. If your organization doesn’t use the public link in Aprimo, you are able to only import PDF and image files. If you want to bring the video into PathFactory, you are still able to use the current file upload functionality within PathFactory to do so. You would just upload it directly into your Content Library. 

Why is the Mapping of the Content IDs Step Required?

If you are an existing PathFactory customer and decide to use this feature, you will need to provide us with the Aprimo Content ID associated with each asset in the Content Library to prevent content duplication and content sync issues. For the existing contents our system has no way to identify what the associated Aprimo ID is. Note: This is a one-off process. We will automatically map the ID for any new content that gets imported. Review Introduction to Using Aprimo with PathFactory for more details.

What Happens to Expired Content?

If you add an expired Aprimo asset from the Aprimo library to the PathFactory Content Library, that asset remains expired in PathFactory unless you manually change its status in the PathFactory Content Library. 

Note: The sync process will update the Expiration Date field in PathFactory’s content library to reflect the expired date configured in Aprimo. Make sure you update the expiration date for the asset in the Aprimo library to align with the changes made in the Content Library.

Do I Need to Configure Governance for Aprimo?

No, we carry over the permissions you have configured in Aprimo when the users in your organization engage with the content selector in PathFactory. They will be able to see only the folders to which they have been given access.

Can I See PathFactory Data in Aprimo?

Yes, we have a bi-directional connection with Aprimo which allows us to push PathFactory insights into Aprimo.

What PathFactory Data are Available in Aprimo?

The following PathFactory content insights are available in Aprimo:

  • PathFactory Content ID
  • Total engagement time over the last 90 days 
  • Average view time over the last 90 days 
  • Number of pages views over the last 90 days 
  • Path Analytics Content Insight dashboard
Updated on May 26, 2023

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