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  4. Why aren’t my analytics exclusions working?

Why aren’t my analytics exclusions working?

If you’re seeing visitors in your analytics that should be excluded you should check the following:

Do you have the show excluded visitors box checked?

If so: deactivate the radio button.
imageShow Excluded radio button

Are you relying on an email domain or address exclusion (and no IP exclusions)?

If so: follow one of the options below to ensure your visits are excluded, and consider adding IP exclusions.

Email domain and email address exclusions only exclude known visitors with an email address.
So, if you are only using email domain and email address exclusions (and not IP exclusions), and want your visits to your content tracks excluded from your analytics, you will need to adhere to one of the following options when engaging with your content tracks:

Option 1
Click an emailing tracking link sent from your Marketing Automation Platform. Continue to use the same browser and device. Don’t clear your cookies.
Option 2
Open your content track in a browser using the email tracking link and manually copy in your email address.

  • For example, if your email tracking link is:
    http://explore.customer.com/c/87?x=CXrTtD&lb_email={{lead.Email Address}}
    then you’d render the following URL in your browser:
  • Continue to use the same browser and device. Don’t clear your cookies.
Option 3
Fill out a form when previewing the content track. This form must have the capture tag on it (as explained in this article). Continue to use the same browser and device. Don’t clear your cookies.

  • If your form does not have the capture tag on it, use one of the methods described above.

The visitor session where you met the requirements outlined above will not be excluded in PathFactory analytics. Every session after this point will be excluded via the email address and domain exclusion rule.

Is a visitor who should be excluded appearing in your analytics?

*how would a client be able to CHECK if this is the case?

Email address and email domain based visitor exclusions are applied according to what we know about the visitor at the time the session is created. This could (in rare situations) result in the following scenario:

  • A visitor with an email address (or email domain) that is not in the exclusions list engages with the platform
  • This creates a session that is not excluded
  • Later, the same visitor de-anonymizes themselves again (via a new form fill, query string, etc.) with an email address that IS in the exclusions list

The session isn’t excluded from analytics because it was not excluded from your analytics at the time the session occurred.
Since the platform always shows the latest identity of a visitor cookie, this will result in information displayed in analytics under an email that looks like it should have been excluded.

Updated on April 13, 2023

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