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  4. Using a Content Track as an Eloqua Confirmation Page

Using a Content Track as an Eloqua Confirmation Page


Redirecting visitors from a Thank You landing page into a Content Track is a great way to promote your content to interested prospects.

This article covers:

  • How to redirect form fills to a Content Track


  • You have an external landing page with a Eloqua form
  • You want to send visitors who fill out the form to a Content Track rather than a static Thank You page
  • You want those PathFactory visitor activities to be tracked and the data to be sent to Eloqua

Redirect Form Fills to a Content Track

Create a landing page in Eloqua and add the code below using the HTML element:



var lbUrl = getUrlParameter("lb_redirect"); 

if (lbUrl) {

var lbLink = document.createElement("a");

lbLink.href = lbUrl;

document.location.href = lbUrl + (lbLink.search ? "&" : "?") +
 "lb_email=<span class=eloquaemail>EmailAddress</span>";

function getUrlParameter(name) {

        name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");

        var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),

        results = regex.exec(location.search);

        return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));


After submitting a form, this page will briefly appear blank to visitors before they are quickly redirected into a Content Track. This page essentially acts as a bridge, so the visitor’s email address can pass from the submitted form into the PathFactory platform. This allows PathFactory to immediately identify the visitor, and track their activity.
  1. Create a form in Eloqua.
  2. Add an “Update Contacts – With Form Data” form processing step, and set the unique identifier as Email Address.
    imageUpdate Contacts button
  3. Add a “Redirect to Web Page” form processing step, and select Send to an External URL.
    imageSend to External URL radio button
  4. Enter the following URL:

    • Replace YourEloquaBaseURL with the URL of your Eloqua instance
    • The PathFactory-Redirect.html component is the landing page that you created in step 1
    • Replace with the URL of the Content Track you want to send visitors to.
      Note: You can use the URL of any Target Track, Recommend Track, Explore Page, or Route.

      imageExample of a Standard Experience

  5. Your External URL will now be in the following format:

Views: 18

Updated on June 14, 2023

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