Smart Topics

It’s important for you to add topics to your content tracks, to set up relationships between tracks that have the same topics. You can add a topic yourself, and you can also select from recommended topics provided by your PathFactory instance.

To arrive at Smart Topics, follow these steps.

  1. On the main menu bar, click Content Library.
  2. On the screen that opens, select a target track from the left panel.
    Main view of target tracks
  3. Select an individual content track from the list that appears. The right column contains, among other things, a list of topics used in this content track.

Note: To edit this list of topics, click on the pencil icon that appears when you hover your mouse over the list of topics.

4. To see in which tracks these topics are used, and see topic recommendations, scroll down the right panel and click Used In.

Recommend tracks

5. Hover over Topics and click the pencil icon that appears. A dropdown list appears as a result. Click the down arrow and a list appears with recommended topics for your selected track.

Add and select topics

6. To add your own topic, type in the empty line in the topics list. To delete a topic, click the x beside it. When you are finished adding topics for now, click Save

Topics can be made publicly visible in Recommend and Explore Content Tracks, so try to use topic tags that will be useful to your visitors.
Updated on April 13, 2023

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