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Recommend an existing content track’s assets within Website Tools

You can add your existing Explore, Target, or Recommend content tracks to Website Tools to recommend each track’s content.

Add the content track as a content source

First, you must add the existing content track as a source within Website Tools.

  1. Navigate to the existing Explore, Target, or Recommend track you want to include in recommendations.
  2. Beside the track name, select sitemap Copy Sitemap URL to Clipboard.
  3. Navigate to Content Intelligence > Content Configurations and select Add Content Source. A modal opens.
  4. Complete the modal.
    1. In Source Name, enter a name for the content source.
    2. In Source Type, select Sitemap URL.
    3. In Sitemap URL, paste the sitemap URL you copied earlier.
    4. Select Add Content Source.

Now that you’ve added the content track as a source, you’re ready to segment the track and add those segments to a new or existing content pool.

Create content segments and a pool

This article highlights the critical steps for configuring content tracks. Refer to the article Configuring content source, segments, and pools for Website Tools for a detailed general procedure.

  1. In the top right, select Add Segment. A modal opens.
  2. In Segment Name, enter a name that will allow you to find the segment later. For example, “Track Name Include.”
  3. In URLs, paste the sitemap URL.
  4. Delete everything after the main domain and enter an asterisk at the end of the URL.

For example, the URL example.com/sitemap/c/G685oR.xml will become example.com/*

The asterisk is a wildcard and indicates all URLs listed in the sitemap will be included.

  1. Click Add Segment.
If you want to Then
Exclude certain content assets a. Create an additional segment. This segment will list all the excluded assets.
b. In a new web browser, paste the sitemap URL. A page opens showing the individual URLs of each asset within the track.
c. Copy all the URLs you want to exclude and paste them into the segment.
Include all content assets You’re done with this step! Continue to the following procedure.

It’s time to add these segments to a new or existing content pool. Follow these steps.

  1. Select the Content Pools tab.
If you want to Then
Add to an existing content pool a. In the left sidebar, select the existing content pool.
b. Skip to step 2.
Create a new content pool a. Select Add Content Pool. A modal opens.
b. Complete the modal and select Add Content Pool.
  1. Select Manage Segments. A modal opens.
  2. Search to find the segments you created earlier. Select each segment to add it. Selected segments appear at the bottom of the modal.
  3. Select Confirm.
  4. Use the radio buttons to set each segment to be included or excluded.
  5. Select Analyze Content Pool.

Once the content pool has been analyzed, you must add it to a website path for its content to appear in recommendations.

Add the content pool to a website path or page

You must add the content pool to a website path for its content to appear in recommendations.

  1. Navigate to Website Tools.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Beside the desired website path, select Edit.
  4. In Content Pool, select the content pool you created.
  5. Select Save.
Updated on June 26, 2023

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