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Field Merges for External Code and Forms

The PathFactory platform provides field merges that can be used in External Code, Custom HTML Forms, and External URL Forms.

Visitor Fields

Field Name Field Merge Syntax URL Encoded Field Merge Syntax Description
Email {{visitor.email}} {{visitor.email_encoded}} The email address of the identified visitor. If the visitor is anonymous, an empty string is returned.
Email Domain {{visitor.email_domain}}   The domain of the email address of the identified visitor. If the visitor is anonymous, an empty string is returned.


Content Fields

Field Name Field Merge Syntax URL Encoded Field Merge Syntax Description
Business Units {{content.business_units}} The business units tagged to the content asset.
Content Type {{content.content_type}} The content type of the content asset.
Description {{content.description}} {{content.description_encoded}} The description of the content asset.
Engagement Score {{content.engagement_weight}}   The engagement score that is applied to the content asset when the engagement threshold has been met.
Engagement Threshold {{content.engagement_threshold}}   The engagement threshold time setting (in seconds) of the content asset.
External ID {{content.external_id}}   The external ID of the content asset.
Funnel Stage {{content.funnel_stages}} The funnel stages tagged to the content asset.
Industry  {{content.industries}} The industries tagged to the content asset.
Language {{content.language}} {{content.language_encoded}} The language of the content asset.
Persona {{content.personas}} The personas tagged to the content asset.
Product {{content.product}} The products tagged to the content asset.
Slug {{content.slug}}   The custom slug of the content asset.
Solution {{content.solution}} The solutions tagged to the content asset.
Source URL {{content.source_url}}   The URL of the underlying source content of the content asset.
Title {{content.title}} {{content.title_encoded}} The public title of the content asset.
Topics {{content.topics}} The topics tagged to the content asset.
URL {{content.url}}   The current public URL of the asset being rendered in the content track.

Track Fields

Field Name Field Merge Syntax URL Encoded Field Merge Syntax Description
Custom URL {{experience.custom_url}}   The custom URL of the content track.
External ID 1 {{experience.external_id}}   The external ID of the content track.
External ID 2 {{experience.external_id_2}}   The external ID of the content track.
External ID 3 {{experience.external_id_3}}   The external ID of the content track.
Name {{experience.name}} {{experience.name_encoded}} The name of the content track.
PathFactory ID {{experience.lookbook_id}}   The automatically generated PathFactory ID of the content track.
Query String Value {{query.}} where is replaced with the desired query string key name



  The value of a key in the query string.

Views: 73

Updated on April 13, 2023

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