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PathFactory REST API: Fields, Definitions, and Endpoints

The PathFactory REST API is a tool that enables you to integrate and interact with the PathFactory platform and access essential audience and engagement data related to visitor activities, sessions, content experiences, and content assets. This article provides details on the fields and definitions for API v1, and new v3 features that further enhance the capabilities of PathFactory’s public API.

How do I know which version of the API to use?

The API version number corresponds to the PathFactory Data Model version – therefore API v1 is built according to PathFactory’s Version 1 Data Model, and API v3 is built according to PathFactory’s Version 3 Data Model.  

PathFactory Tracks, Explore, and Virtual Event Experiences (VEX) use the Version 1 Data Model – therefore this data is only available in the API v1.  

PathFactory Microsites, Themes & Templates, and Website Experiences use the Version 3 Data Model – therefore this data is only available in the API v3.

API V3 Field Definitions

V3 introduces several new fields and revised definitions that improve overall developer experience and provide significant enhancements that enable more powerful integrations between PathFactory and other software applications.

OAuth 2.0 Authentication and Role-Based API Keys Now Available 

In V3, the authentication process has been revamped to provide better security and flexibility. Developers can now use OAuth 2.0 for improved authorization and access control. Additionally, API keys are now issued with role-based access, allowing different levels of permissions for various endpoints.

More Request Parameters

V3 includes a wider range of request parameters to enable more precise and customized data retrieval. Developers can utilize filters, sorting options, and time-based queries to fetch the exact data they need from the API.

Response Format Standardization on JSON With More Metadata

With V3, the response format has been standardized to JSON, allowing for more straightforward parsing and processing of data. Moreover, the response now includes additional metadata, such as pagination information, providing developers with insights into the structure and size of the dataset.

Rate Limiting and Quotas

To ensure fair usage and prevent security/privacy abuse, V3 introduces rate limiting and quotas. Developers can now make a limited number of requests per unit of time, depending on their subscription tier or user level.


V3 introduces support for webhooks, enabling real-time updates and notifications to client applications when specific events occur within the API. This feature eliminates the need for frequent polling and improves efficiency. To find out more about PathFactory webhooks, read Setting Up Webhooks.

V3 API Endpoints and Descriptions

This section describes all of the endpoints for API V3, along with the fields and their definitions. 

Content Assets

Endpoint: /public/v3/content_assets

Description: The endpoint provides essential functionalities for content management, enabling you to deliver engaging and dynamic content experiences to your users. This endpoint lets you manage individual content pieces, such as videos, PDFs, images, and interactive elements, within the system. Through this endpoint, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete content assets, empowering you to organize, curate, and optimize content. 

Field NameTypeDescription
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
content_typestringThe file type of the asset
created_at_utctimestampTimestamp of when the asset was created/added to the Library
descriptionstringThe description of the content asset, user defined in the Library
external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the content asset’s external ID
internal_titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears in the Library
languagestringThe language of the content asset
media_typestringThe file type of the asset
slugstringThe slug of the asset URL
source_urlstringThe full source URL of the content asset
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 
titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears to visitors on the consumption side
updated_at_utctimestampTimestamp of when the asset was last modified/updated in the Library
uuidstringThe universal ID of the content asset

Content Metadata

Endpoint: /public/v3/content_metadata

Description: This endpoint allows you to manage the information and details associated with individual content assets. This includes data such as title, description, tags, categories, and other relevant metadata. By using this endpoint, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete content metadata, enabling you to organize, categorize, and optimize the content assets within the system.

Field NameTypeDescription
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
content_metadata_idintegerA numeric ID of the content metadata tag
content_typeintegerThe content marketing classification of the type of asset 
metadata_fieldstringThe type/category of content metadata tag
metadata_valuestringThe value/field of the content metadata tag
org_uuidstringA unique ID for your PathFactory instance
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 

Content Track Assets

Endpoint: /public/v3/content_track_asset

Description: The endpoint provides essential functionalities for curating content, optimizing user journeys, and achieving desired engagement and conversion objectives.

Field NameTypeDescription
capture_enabledbooleanDoes the Track (Experience) have a form capture configured? (T/F)
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
experience_content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset and Track
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)
target_content_orderjsonA JSON array/list of the order of content assets in a Target Track by ID
target_delayintegerThe number of seconds configured before the sign post/card modal is shown
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 
uuidstringA unique ID of the content asset and Track

Content Tracks

Endpoint: /public/v3/content_track

Description: This endpoint enables you to create, retrieve, update, and delete Standard Experiences. 

Field NameTypeDescription
app_idstringA unique ID for your PathFactory instance
created_at_utctimestampTimestamp (in UTC) of when the Track (Experience) was created/added to the Library
experience_custom_urlstringUser defined custom URL for the Track (Experience)
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
experience_namestringTitle of the Track (Experience) as it appears within PathFactory (internally)
experience_typestringThe type of PathFactory Experience
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)
external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the Experience’s external ID
is_bottom_bar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a bottom bar? (T/F)
is_capture_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have a form capture configured? (T/F)
is_card_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a card? (T/F)
is_cookie_consent_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the consent message? (T/F)
is_cookie_message_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the cookie message? (T/F)
is_end_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the end promoter configured? (T/F)
is_exit_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the exit promoter configured? (T/F)
is_flow_enabledbooleanIs the track (Experience) configured as “Flow” style? (T/F)
is_gdpr_cookie_consent_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the GDPR consent message? (T/F)
is_header_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the configured header? (T/F)
is_inactivity_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the inactivity promoter configured? (T/F)
is_like_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the “like” button? (T/F)
is_share_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the sharing buttons? (T/F)
is_sidebar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a side bar layout? (T/F)
is_signpost_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a signpost/card? (T/F)
is_topic_sidebar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with the topic tags display? (T/F)
target_content_orderstringA JSON array/list of the order of content assets in a Target Track by ID
updated_at_utcdate/timeTimestamp (in UTC) of when the Track (Experience) was last modified/updated

Page Views

Endpoint: /public/v3/pageviews

Description: Page views are captured when a visitor views an asset inside a PathFactory Experience.

Field NameTypeDescription
page_view_idstringUnique ID for the page view
app_id stringA unique ID for your PathFactory instance
visitor_idstringA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
session_indexintegerAn index of the visit (session) for the visitor; ie, 1 would be the first visit, 2 the second visit, n the nth visit
page_view_indexintegerAn index of the view within the visit (session); ie, 1 would be the first view, 2 the second view, n the nth view
total_page_viewsintegerThe total number of asset views in the visit (session)
_modified_utctimestampThe system timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the data was last modified
created_attimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the page view was created
start_timetimestampThe timestamp of the view (user’s locale)
start_time_utctimestampThe timestamp of the view (in UTC)
end_time_utctimestampThe timestamp when the view ended (in UTC)
engaged_time_in_sintegerThe duration (in seconds) of the engagement time
content_uuidstringThe universal ID of the content asset
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
vertical_percentage_scrolledintegerThe maximum vertical scroll of the view (in percentage)
page_widthintegerThe width of the page (in pixels)
page_heightintegerThe height of the page (in pixels)
page_titlestringThe page title
page_urlstringThe URL of the page
query_stringstringThe full query string from the URL of the view
page_urlquerystringThe full query string from the URL of the view
marketing_mediumstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Medium parameter of the view
marketing_sourcestringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Source parameter of the view
marketing_termstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Term parameter of the view
marketing_contentstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Content parameter of the view
marketing_campaignstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Campaign parameter of the view
page_referrerstringThe URL that referred the view
referrer_mediumstringThe identified Medium value of the referring URL (eg, “search”)
referrer_sourcestringThe identified Source type value of the referring URL (eg, “DuckDuckGo”)
referrer_termstringThe identified Term value of the referring URL 
ip_addressstringIP address of the visitor for the view
browserstringThe identified browser of the view
spider_or_robotbooleanIs the visitor of the view an identified Spider or robot? (T/F)
osstringThe identified Operating System (OS) of the view
device_typestringThe category of the identified device of the visit
from_recommendationbooleanIs the view from PathFactory’s Recommendation system? (T/F)
rec_mdm_guidebooleanIs the view from PathFactory’s Recommendation “Guide” promoter? (T/F)
rec_mdm_conciergebooleanIs the view from PathFactory’s Recommendation “Concierge” promoter? (T/F)
rec_src_recommendedbooleanIs the view from PathFactory’s “Recommended for You” Recommendation type? (T/F)
rec_src_trendingbooleanIs the view from PathFactory’s “Trending” Recommendation type? (T/F)
referrer_urlstringThe page URL of the referrer
ip_ispstringThe visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) as determined by the identified Internet Protocol (IP) address of the view
sixsense_company_domainstringIdentified company/account domain (URL) from 6sense
sixsense_company_namestringIdentified company/account name from 6sense
sixsense_company_regionstringIdentified company/account’s region (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_countrystringIdentified company/account’s country (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_country_iso_codestringIdentified company/account’s country (geolocation), ISO code, from 6sense
sixsense_company_statestringIdentified company/account’s state (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_citystringIdentified company/account’s city (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_street_addressstringIdentified company/account’s address (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_postal_codestringIdentified company/account’s postal code (geolocation) from 6sense
sixsense_company_phonestringIdentified company/account’s phone number from 6sense
sixsense_company_industrystringIdentified company/account’s industry type number from 6sense
sixsense_company_employee_rangestringIdentified company/account’s employee size by range from 6sense
sixsense_company_revenue_rangestringIdentified company/account’s revenue size by range from 6sense
sixsense_company_employee_countstringIdentified company/account’s employee size by count from 6sense
sixsense_company_annual_revenuestringIdentified company/account’s revenue size by count from 6sense
sixsense_company_title_levelstringIdentified job title and level of the visitor from 6sense
sixsense_company_title_functionstringIdentified job function of the visitor from 6sense
sixsense_company_siccodestringIdentified company/account’s SIC industry code from 6sense
sixsense_company_sicdescriptionstringIdentified company/account’s SIC industry description from 6sense
sixsense_company_naicscodestringIdentified company/account’s NAICS industry code from 6sense
sixsense_company_naicsdescriptionstringIdentified company/account’s NAICS industry description from 6sense
sixsense_company_isblacklistedbooleanIs the identified company/account blacklisted? (T/F)
sixsense_confidencestringValue of confidence level for identification, 6sense
experience_typeintegerA numeric ID of PathFactory Experience types
demandbase_sidintegerDemandbase’s numeric ID for the identified company/account
demandbase_company_namestringIdentified company/account name from Demandbase
demandbase_annual_salesintegerIdentified company/account’s revenue size by count from Demandbase
demandbase_employee_count0Identified company/account’s employee size by count from Demandbase
demandbase_industrystringIdentified company/account’s industry type number from Demandbase
demandbase_web_sitestringIdentified company/account website (URL) from Demandbase
unified_engagement_scoreintegerEngagement score
engagement_scoreintegerEngagement score
experience_campaign_idstringID for the campaign associated with the Experience
campaign_idstringID of the campaign
website_experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the PathFactory Website Experience
ip_2_proxy_isproxybooleanIs the visitor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address of the view a proxy IP? (T/F)
normalized_urlstringNormalized URL of the page


Endpoint:  /public/v3/sessions

Description: This endpoint tracks the time a visitor spends engaging with content served via PathFactory. It records details like the visitor’s location, the content viewed, and more.

Field NameTypeDescription
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
app_idstringA unique ID for your PathFactory instance
browserstringThe identified browser of the view
citystringThe identified city of the visit/session (geolocation)
company_namestringThe identified Company/Account name of the view
countrystringThe identified country of the visit/session (geolocation)
device_typestringThe category of the identified device of the view
domainstringDomain associated with the session.
email_addressstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
end_timetimestampThe timestamp when the visit (session) ended (in visitor’s locale)
engagement_scoreintegerThe total engagement score of the visit (session)
engagement_timeintegerThe total duration (in seconds) of the visit’s/session’s engagement time
experience_external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the Experience’s external ID
experience_idstringA numeric ID of the Experience
experience_namestringTitle of the Experience as it appears within PathFactory (internally)
experience_typestringThe type of PathFactory Experience
likesintegerThe total count of “likes” during the visit
osstringThe identified Operating System (OS) of the visit
query_stringstringThe full query string from the URL of the visit
referrer_urlstringThe full URL that referred the view
regionstringThe identified region of the visit (geolocation)
sharesintegerThe total count of “shares” during the visit
start_timetimestampThe timestamp of the view (visitor’s locale)
total_asset_viewsintegerThe total number of asset views in the visit (session)
unique_viewsintegerThe number of unique assets views in the visit (session)
marketing_campaignstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Campaign parameter of the view
marketing_contentstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Content parameter of the view
marketing_mediumstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Medium parameter of the view
marketing_sourcestringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Source parameter of the view
marketing_termstringThe value of the marketing (eg, UTM) Term parameter of the view
visitor_idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor
_modified_utctimestampThe system timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the data was last modified
end_time_utctimestampThe timestamp when the visit/session ended (in UTC)
start_time_utctimestampUTC timestamp indicating when the session started.
capturesintegerThe count of how many captures (ie, form submissions) occurred
capture_modal_shown_countintegerThe count of how many capture modals shown (ie, forms shown)
user_agentstringThe full “user agent” of the visitor from the visit/session
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)

Visitor Activities

Endpoint: /public/v3/visitor_activities

Description: Visitor Activities are actions triggered when a visitor performs specific actions in PathFactory. With these fields and definitions, you can better understand your visitors and their actions. It opens up opportunities to personalize content and engage visitors effectively. For example, you may want to track visitors who engage with a specific asset for a specific amount of time, or track visitors who view multiple assets in a PathFactory Experience for a specific duration.

Field NameTypeDescription
activity_namestringThe name of the activity as it was set up in PathFactory
activity_timetimestampThe timestamp when the activity was triggered
activity_typestringThe type of activity that is published (eg, Engagement_Score)
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
organization_idintegerA numeric ID for your PathFactory instance
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
visitor_idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor


Endpoint: /public/v3/visitors

Description: This endpoint provides information about visitors who have navigated to your website or PathFactory Experience, allowing for the retrieval of visitor-related data, enabling insights into their engagement, identity, and interactions within the website or PathFactory Experience. 

Field NameTypeDescription
app_idstringA unique ID for your PathFactory instance
created_at_utcstringThe timestamp (in UTC) of when the visitor record was created
emailstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
first_visit_time_utcstringThe timestamp (in UTC) of the visitor record’s first visit
is_knownbooleanIs the visitor a known visitor? (T/F)
known_fromtimestampTimestamp of when the visitor record became a known visitor
last_visit_time_utcstringThe timestamp (in UTC) of the visitor record’s most recent visit
visitor_ecidstringVisitor’s Experience Cloud ID (if it exists and was present during PathFactory visit)
visitor_idstringA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_identitystringPrimary and unifying ID of the visitor record (eg, known visitors email address is their PathFactory Visitor Identity, and unknown visitor’s UUID is their PathFactory Visitor Identity)
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor

Visitor IDs

Endpoint: /public/v3/visitor_ids

Description: Visitors are people who have interacted with the content you’ve created using PathFactory Experiences. This API endpoint provides useful information about the visitors, like their email address, unique ID in PathFactory, and their ID in the Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) if you’re using one like Pardot, Eloqua, or Hubspot. “Visitor ID” will include all visitor records that are mapped to an email, and therefore duplicate IDs may exist.

Field NameTypeDescription
created_at_utcstringThe timestamp (in UTC) of when the visitor record was created
emailstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
organization_idintegerA numeric ID for your PathFactory instance
platformstringThe name of the MAP platform that the ID was obtained from – Eloqua, Marketo or Pardot
platform_contact_idstringThe unique identifier that the contact’s record has in the MAP platform
platform_idstringThe ID of the contact record’s source platform
updated_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) that the visitor record was last updated
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor

Unique Visitor IDs

Endpoint: /public/v3/unique_visitor_ids

Description: Visitors are people who have interacted with the content created using PathFactory Experiences. This API endpoint provides useful information about the visitors, such as their email address, unique ID in PathFactory, and their ID in the Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) if used (e.g., Pardot, Eloqua, or HubSpot). “Unique Visitor ID” will be the most recent visitor record that’s mapped to an email, and therefore the IDs are distinct.

Field NameTypeDescription
created_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) of when the visitor record was created
emailstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
organization_idstringA numeric ID for your PathFactory instance
platformstringThe name of the MAP platform that the ID was obtained from – Eloqua, Marketo or Pardot
platform_contact_idstringThe unique identifier that the contact’s record has in the MAP platform
platform_idstringThe ID of the contact record’s source platform
updated_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) that the visitor record was last updated
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor

V1 API Endpoints and Descriptions

Content Assets

Endpoint: /public/v1/content_assets

Description: The endpoint provides essential functionalities for content management, enabling you to deliver engaging and dynamic content Experiences to your users. This endpoint lets you manage individual content pieces, such as videos, PDFs, images, and interactive elements, within the system. Through this endpoint, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete content assets, empowering you to organize, curate, and optimize content. 

Field NameTypeDescription
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
content_typestringThe file type of the asset
created_at_utctimestampTimestamp of when the asset was created/added to the Library
internal_titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears in the Library
media_typeintegerA numeric ID of file types
slugstringThe slug of the asset URL
source_urlstringThe full source URL of the content asset
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 
titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears to visitors on the consumption side
updated_at_utctimestampTimestamp of when the asset was last modified/updated in the Library

Content Metadata

Endpoint: /public/v1/content_metadata

Description: This endpoint allows you to manage the information and details associated with individual content assets. This includes data such as title, description, tags, categories, and other relevant metadata. By using this endpoint, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete content metadata, enabling you to organize, categorize, and optimize the content assets within the system.

Field NameTypeDescription
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
content_metadata_idintegerA numeric ID of the content metadata tag
content_typestringThe content marketing classification of the type of asset 
metadata_fieldstringThe type/category of content metadata tag
metadata_valuestringThe value/field of the content metadata tag
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 

Content Track Assets

Endpoint: /public/v1/Experiences_contents

Description: The endpoint provides essential functionalities for curating content, optimizing user journeys, and achieving desired engagement and conversion objectives.

Field NameTypeDescription
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
experience_content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset and Track
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)
is_capture_enabledbooleanDoes the Track (Experience) have a form capture configured? (T/F)
target_content_orderstringA JSON array/list of the order of content assets in a Target Track by ID
target_delayintegerThe number of seconds configured before the sign post/card modal is shown
thumbnailstringSource URL of the asset thumbnail 

Content Tracks

Endpoint: /public/v1/Experiences

Description: This endpoint enables you to create, retrieve, update, and delete Standard Experiences. 

Field NameTypeDescription
created_at_utctimestampTimestamp (in UTC) of when the Track (Experience) was created/added to the Library
experience_namestringTitle of the Track (Experience) as it appears within PathFactory (internally)
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
experience_typeintegerA numeric ID of PathFactory Experience types
experience_uuidstringA universal ID of the Track (Experience)
external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the Experience’s external ID
is_bottom_bar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a bottom bar? (T/F)
is_capture_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have a form capture configured? (T/F)
is_card_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a card? (T/F)
is_cookie_message_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the cookie message? (T/F)
is_end_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the end promoter configured? (T/F)
is_exit_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the exit promoter configured? (T/F)
is_flow_enabledbooleanIs the track (Experience) configured as “Flow” style? (T/F)
is_gdpr_cookie_consent_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the GDPR consent message? (T/F)
is_header_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the configured header? (T/F)
is_inactivity_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the inactivity promoter configured? (T/F)
is_like_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) show the “like” button? (T/F)
is_share_enabledbooleanDoes the track (Experience) have the sharing buttons? (T/F)
is_sidebar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a side bar layout? (T/F)
is_signpost_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with a signpost/card? (T/F)
is_topic_sidebar_enabledbooleanIs the Track (Experience) configured with the topic tags display? (T/F)
target_content_orderstringA JSON array/list of the order of content assets in a Target Track by ID
updated_at_utctimestampTimestamp (in UTC) of when the Track (Experience) was last modified/updated

Page Views

Endpoint: /public/v1/page_views

Description: Page views are captured when a visitor views an asset inside a content track.

Field NameTypeDescription
browserstringThe identified browser of the view
citystringThe identified city of the view (geolocation)
company_namestringThe identified Company/Account name of the view
content_business_unitsstringAn array/list of the Content Business Unit tags of the asset at that point in time
content_external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the content asset’s external ID at that point in time
content_funnel_stagesstringAn array/list of the Content Funnel Stage tags of the asset at that point in time
content_idintegerA numeric ID of the content asset
content_internal_titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears in the Library
content_languagestringThe language of the content asset
content_media_typestringThe file type of the asset
content_source_urlstringThe asset’s source URL
content_titlestringThe title of the asset, as it appears to visitors on the consumption side
content_topicsstringAn array/list of the Content Topic tags of the asset at that point in time
countrystringThe identified country of the view (geolocation)
device_typestringThe category of the identified device of the view
domainstringThe URL of the identified company/account name
engagement_timeintegerThe duration (in seconds) of the engagement time
experience_external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the Track’s (Experience’s) external ID at that point in time
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
experience_namestringTitle of the Track (Experience) as it appears within PathFactory (internally)
osstringThe identified Operating System (OS) of the view
query_stringstringThe full query string from the URL of the view
referrer_urlstringThe URL that referred the view
regionstringThe identified region of the view (geolocation)
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
start_timetimestampThe timestamp of the view (user’s locale)
urlstringThe full URL of the view
utm_campaignstringThe value of the UTM Campaign parameter of the view
utm_contentstringThe value of the UTM Content parameter of the view
utm_mediumstringThe value of the UTM Medium parameter of the view
utm_sourcestringThe value of the UTM Source parameter of the view
utm_termstringThe value of the UTM Term parameter of the view
visitor_idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor


Endpoint: /public/v1/sessions

Description: Sessions represent periods during which a visitor engages with content served via PathFactory.

Field NameTypeDescription
browserstringThe identified browser of the visit
capture_modal_shown_countintegerThe count of how many capture modals shown (ie, forms shown)
capturesintegerThe count of how many captures occurred
citystringThe identified city of the visit (geolocation)
company_namestringThe identified Company/Account name of the visit
countrystringThe identified country of the visit (geolocation)
device_typestringThe category of the identified device of the visit
domainstringThe URL of the identified company/account name
email_addressstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
end_timetimestampThe timestamp of when the visit ended
engagement_scoreintegerThe total engagement score of the visit
engagement_timeintegerThe total duration (in seconds) of the visit’s engagement time
experience_external_idstringA string with the user defined value of the Experience’s external ID
experience_namestringTitle of the Track (Experience) as it appears within PathFactory (internally)
experience_typestringThe type of PathFactory Experience
likesintegerThe total count of “likes” during the visit
osstringThe identified Operating System (OS) of the visit
query_stringstringThe full query string from the URL of the visit
referrer_urlstringThe full URL that referred the view
regionstringThe identified region of the visit (geolocation)
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
sharesintegerThe total count of “shares” during the visit
start_timetimestampThe timestamp of the view (visitor’s locale)
total_asset_viewsintegerThe total number of asset views in the visit (session)
unique_viewsintegerThe number of unique assets views in the visit (session)
utm_campaignstringThe value of the visit’s UTM Campaign parameter
utm_contentstringThe value of the visit’s UTM Content parameter 
utm_mediumstringThe value of the visit’s UTM Medium parameter
utm_sourcestringThe value of the visit’s UTM Source parameter
utm_termstringThe value of the visit’s UTM Term parameter
visitor_idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor

Visitor Activities

Endpoint: /public/v1/visitor_activities

Description: Visitor Activities are actions triggered when a visitor performs specific actions in PathFactory. With these fields and definitions, you can better understand your visitors and their actions. It opens up opportunities to personalize content and engage visitors effectively. For example, you may want to track visitors who engage with a specific asset for a specific amount of time, or track visitors who view multiple assets in a content track for a specific duration.

Field NameTypeDescription
activity_namestringThe name of the activity as it was set up in PathFactory
activity_timetimestampThe timestamp when the activity was triggered
activity_typestringThe type of activity that is published (eg, Engagement_Score)
experience_idintegerA numeric ID of the Track (Experience)
session_idstringThe PathFactory ID of the visit (session)
visitor_idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor


Unique Visitor IDs

Endpoint: /public/v1/unique_visitor_ids

Description: Visitors are people who have interacted with the content you’ve created using PathFactory’s VEX or Campaign Tools. This API endpoint provides useful information about the visitors, like their email address, unique ID in PathFactory, and their ID in the Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) if you’re using one like Marketo, Pardot, or Eloqua.

Field NameTypeDescription
created_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) of when the visitor record was created
emailstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
platformstringThe name of the MAP platform that the ID was obtained from – Eloqua, Marketo or Pardot
platform_contact_idstringThe unique identifier that the contact’s record has in the MAP platform
updated_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) that the visitor record was last updated
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor

Visitor IDs

Endpoint: /public/v1/visitor_ids

Description: This provides access to a collection of visitor records, each identified by a numeric ID, containing information such as the visitor’s email address, domain, creation and update timestamps (in UTC), the MAP platform (Eloqua, Marketo, or Pardot) from which the ID was obtained, the unique contact identifier in the MAP platform, and a universal visitor UUID.

Field NameTypeDescription
created_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) of when the visitor record was created
emailstringThe email address of the known visitor
email_domainstringThe domain of the known visitor’s email address
idintegerA numeric ID of the visitor
platformstringThe name of the MAP platform that the ID was obtained from – Eloqua, Marketo or Pardot
platform_contact_idstringThe unique identifier that the contact’s record has in the MAP platform
updated_at_utctimestampThe timestamp (in UTC) that the visitor record was last updated
visitor_uuidstringA universal ID of the visitor
Updated on April 5, 2024

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