Core Platform
Language translation applicable to more features
We have expanded the functionality for setting a language beyond content tags and topics, to include:
- Business Units
- Personas
- Industries
- Products
- Solutions
This extended functionality allows users to enter language translations for all content tags your organization has configured.
Similar to Content Types and Topics configuration, you can manage who has access to language configurations through user roles.
The following rules apply to the user roles:
- Admin and author have view and create/edit/delete access
- Reporter has no access
- Custom role starts out with none of the boxes activated. Expand the section to configure access for each tag.
To access this new feature, follow these steps.
- Click the Gear icon on the top right, and then select Languages.
- On the left panel, you see a list of languages to choose from.
- When you select a language, you’ll notice the content within the tabs have been updated to reflect your language choice. The panel on the right side shows the assets that have the language applied.
Tactic tooltips popups
PathFactory supports five main use cases with a number of tacit within each. In the platform, we have added the goal tracker to inspire and track progress against these. This release has made it easy to learn more about the recommended tactics listed on the Goals Tracker page. Simply click on the small i next to each tactic and a brief description will pop up. You can also click the Learn More link that directs you to the relevant Nook article in a new tab.
The Learn More button is available to all users, whether or not their organization has subscribed to that feature.
PathFactory for Revenue Intelligence
Inactive Accounts Tab
We have added the ability to filter “inactive” or “unengaged” accounts in reporting. Highlighting these accounts lets users prioritize client engagement and helps prevent account neglect.
To use this feature, follow these steps.
- On the main menu, select Revenue Intelligence, and then select Accounts.
- On the screen that opens, select Accounts. This action lists all of your accounts.
- To filter to Inactive accounts, select that tab. You now see all accounts that have been inactive for the date range you selected at the top right of the screen. On this screen you see the following columns:
- account name
- # of active opportunities
- the total value of opportunities
- last engaged date
Each column can be sorted by name, least or most, or date by clicking their associated arrow keys.
- To drill down even further, select the toggle labelled Show New Accounts. This action displays all new accounts that have not been engaged during the selected time period.
Buyers Insights Menu
The menu previously labelled “New Buyers” has been renamed to Buyers Insights.
This better describes the data that is displayed here, since it includes buyers that have been added during the period as well as existing buyers that have engaged during that period.
Notes, and search results are presented on multiple pages if applicable.
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