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2021 Release Notes: Release G

Well, the second half of 2021 is upon us and we hope you are all well. It’s been a crazy 6 months for us, and we continue to be amazed by you, our customers. To our long time customers, thank you! You continue to push us in new ways. To our new customers, welcome. You are amongst a great group of smart marketers and sales leaders who are pushing the envelopes of digital marketing – whether you are using Campaign Tools, VEX, Website Tool or a combination of the three. The acceleration of digital transformation is massive and we are here to support your efforts. The features in Release G are a testament to this. So, read on and keep calm!

Core Platform

For customers who are able to encrypt their email addresses within their marketing automation workflows, we now support the ability to use them as inputs within our email tracking links. If you’re interested in setting this up, reach out to your Solutions Architect and they will be happy to coordinate next steps.

If you have many configurations within these settings areas, this update is for you! You no longer need to scroll through the list to find the configuration you’re searching for. Instead, use the search function at the top of the list to easily narrow in on the specific one(s) you need.

imageAppearances Configuration

Improved organization of the Appearance and Language configuration tabs

As we’ve worked to deliver new functionality within the platform, our Appearance and Language configuration tabs have grown to support these enhancements. In order to help you stay organized, especially if you subscribe to more than one module of our platform, we have consolidated relevant Campaign Tools & Website Tools specific tabs underneath drop down menus.

imageAppearances for Campaigns

Make the header navigation permanently visible for Explore, microsite and VEX pages

You now have the option to make your page header navigation stay visible when scrolling down the page. This is applicable for Explore pages, microsites and VEX landing pages and can be useful to help your visitors navigate a landing experience with a large volume of content through a persistent header. Navigate to the header tab within appearances to find this new checkbox option.

imageHeader tab

Campaign Tools

Add new content to the top or bottom of a Target track

When creating Target tracks, we have added the ability to define whether new content gets added to the bottom or the top of the assets list within the track. This can be particularly useful if you are using a Target track to serve as a blog, where new content is continuously getting added. You’ll no longer need to drag your newest content up to the top of the asset list to ensure it is the first one displayed in the navigation.

When creating a new Target track, you’ll now see an option to define the default setting. This option will also be available when editing an existing Target track. If users choose to add content to a Target track directly from the Content Library, this default setting will be automatically applied.

imageCreate Target Track

You can override this default setting when adding content to the Target track as well.

imageAdd Content

See full track titles in the Content Library

For customers who use longer track names, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact track you are looking for in the left side list within the Content Library due to the limited width space. To improve this experience, we have added the ability to hover over a truncated track name and see the full title in a pop-up.

imageContent Library

You will also be able to hover over track names in the right side list when a specific asset is selected, and the full name will expand.

imageEngagement Score Test

Persona and industry tags available in visitor journeys per sessions .csv report

When downloading the visitor journeys per session asset views .csv report in your track analytics, you will now be able to see columns for both the industry and persona tags related to the assets that were engaged with. This was completed in our last maintenance release and is not a retroactive update, so only activity occurring on assets from June 24th onwards will display the persona and industry tag values in the export.

Edit the aspect ratio of your Website Campaigns in-page promoter

You can now edit the default aspect ratio of the thumbnails displayed in your Website Campaigns in-page promoters. To do this, navigate to your desired appearance configuration and select the Campaign Tools dropdown tab. There will be a new sub-tab option called “In Page” where you can set the default width and height.

imageCampaign Appearances

Show content descriptions on microsite landing pages

Provide more detail and context for your landing page assets by displaying the content description below the card thumbnail and title.

imageMicrosite Landing Pages

To apply this across your microsite’s landing pages, navigate to the bottom of the microsite settings tab and select the option to “Show Description on Content Card”.

imageDescription checkbox

To edit the font size and color of the description, go to the same card configuration section within the block editor where you are able to edit the content title style.

Set the page title and description for microsite landing pages

In order to improve the search engine optimization of your microsite landing pages, we have added functionality to set a page title and description within the edit window of the landing page.

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Updated on March 27, 2023

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