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2021 Release Notes: Release C

Thanks for joining us as we “spring ahead” into 2021 with Release C. As always the features we jam into each release come first and foremost from the feedback that you, our valued customers, provide.

Hopefully you spot something in here you’ve been hoping we’ll add to make your life easier. Read on to learn more about enhancement to our new Microsite Builder within Campaign Tools, an update to the Zoom SDK for VEX (hint it adds gallery view!), the ability to make fields required, and more! There’s something for everyone!

See the following video for a quick overview of what's new



Platform Updates


Ability to make content tags required


Admins now have the ability to make specific content tags required when users are bulk uploading or configuring content. Content tags are not only an important part of filtering and navigating for your visitors, but they also allow for robust content data insights and may be used in your marketing automation tool for scoring or alerting mechanisms.

To make a content tag required, navigate to the Content Tags section of your platform settings and select the cog icon next to the header.


Once an admin has set the required tags, users will be required to fill in these fields before saving their content configurations.



Note: This capability extends to our .csv bulk upload feature. If a required cell is empty when trying to upload the file, an error message email will be sent from support@pathfactory.com with the .csv file showcasing the error location.



Set a default search engine directive


If you have a specific search engine directive that you want to apply to all of your new content tracks, explore pages, microsites or VEX events going forward, you can now do this easily by setting a default in the Organization Settings. Navigate to the Search Engine Directive tab to easily scale your preferred option across all of the experiences created in your instance moving forward.





Previously when including PDF assets into a content track, any hyperlink within the PDF would open in the same tab when clicked on by a visitor. We have updated our PDF renderer to make these hyperlinks open into a new tab by default to encourage your visitors to continue to binge within the PathFactory track after they are done engaging with the new tab.



Enhancements for screen readers, keyboard-only users and more


In order to make your PathFactory experiences more easily consumable for visitors engaging with low vision or in a non-visual format, we’ve provided the following enhancements. These are automatically applied to the various components of your experiences and there is no action required from your end.

  • Alternative text is included for images in the image library to ensure they are informative for screen readers.
  • Dialogs are properly labelled so boundaries are clearly communicated and screen readers can understand when they are leaving or entering a dialog while using the virtual cursor.
  • Provide identifying portions of buttons, form fields, and other user interface controls a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 with adjacent colors to ensure users with low vision can identify the interface components.
  • Provide identifying portions of states such as focus, hover, selected, current item and checked with sufficient contrast to identify that state with adjacent colors.
  • Content reflows without loss of content or functionality and does not require two-dimensional scrolling. This ensures that users with low vision who require zoom to view page content will be able to access it.
  • Textual equivalents are available for icon fonts to convey important information to users of assistive technology.
  • Set a valid language code value in the element so that screen readers can interpret the page in its intended language.
  • Custom controls provide a proper textual name, role and state so screen readers can distinguish their purpose and current state.
  • Hidden text is available within the anchor element to distinguish between an active and inactive link.
  • Headings are properly marked in HTML to ensure page structure visualization is accurate.
  • Page elements such as buttons and links are properly nested to ensure assistive technologies and users can interpret these components correctly.
  • Title attributes have a name value that is a short description of the contents of the frame so that users of assistive technologies can move between frames and access the page content they wish to view.
  • Custom controls are keyboard accessible for easy navigation and interaction.
  • Keyboard focus is indicated visually for keyboard-only users.



Filter on company name data point for API endpoints


If you are leveraging our public API, you are now able to filter your API session or page view endpoints by the following options to make it easier to focus on engagement data for certain key accounts:

  • Company_name_eq
  • company_name_not_eq
  • Company_name_contains

Filtering by company_name_eq = 'null' should return only where company name is equal to null. Filtering by company_name_not_eq = 'null' should return data where company name is not equal to null. Filtering by company_name_contains = '' should return all data that contains the name given.



Certificate based Eloqua authentication


We have simplified the Eloqua integration process so that is no longer necessary to create and manage an Eloqua user dedicated to API integrations. Users can now authenticate PathFactory as an app in Eloqua by going to the Eloqua Account tab of their Organization Settings. When you click on the “Authenticate Eloqua User” button, you’ll be taken to the Oracle Eloqua permission request page.




External code available on the root domain of an instance


We have added the ability to select external code that will render on the root domain of a PathFactory instance, meaning the code will show on the login page / SSO page. This new capability is to support domain verification scenarios, such as verifying your domain in a Google Search Console or Facebook ad by adding a meta tag that loads on the root page of the domain.

To apply specific external code to your login / SSO page, Admins can visit the Organization Settings “Settings” tab and select from the external code drop down.




Increased code block size for external code


It is now easier to edit your external code items with a full screen editing view in your external code library. With more visual real estate to work with, you’ll spend less time using the scroll bar to see your code in its entirety.



Campaign Tools


Experience field merges are available on Explore pages


Any field merges that contain information about a content track (e.g. experience.name, experience.external_id) will now populate on the associated explore page for that track as well. This can be helpful if you are leveraging content track metadata for things such as attribution with CTA forms that you want to apply to the Explore page as well.



Search by source URL when adding content to a track


Now when adding content from your library to a Target or Recommend track, you are able to search by either the title or the source URL. Sometimes when working with a big library of content, the source URL is the easiest way to filter to what you need. No one understands that better than us!




Improved folder expansion within Target, Recommend and Explore


Previously when navigating through the folder structure set within Target, Recommend or Explore, if you clicked on a folder name to expand it then every folder in the tree structure would also expand. We recognized that it is cumbersome to then have to scroll to the folder you originally were looking for, so we have updated the functionality to only expand the folder that you selected when clicked.



Define the topics available in the topic filter for Microsites


Similar to how you can select which topics appear in the drop down for Recommend and Explore, we wanted to further this capability within the Microsite Builder Content Track and Featured Content blocks on landing pages. Now when you go to edit the block and the filter configurations, you’ll see an option to edit topic filters where you can pick and choose which topics will be included in the drop down.





We have added the ability to apply a carousel layout for your Featured Content blocks in Microsite Builder to ensure a more visually appealing and easy to navigate microsite page. Simply hit the edit button on your featured content block and you will be able to change the layout option from Grid to Carousel.

Note: If the carousel option is selected for a given Featured Content block, assets will render as a carousel when previewing and in the live experience but the carousel will not show within the editing environment. A notification will appear in the block of the editor window to make users aware that a carousel cannot be previewed directly inside the editor.




Microsite analytics tab available for Reporter role


Reporter roles are now able to access the analytics section of each microsite. Any user with this role type will only see the “Configure” button for the microsite and when they click it will take them directly to the analytics tab. They will not be able to see or access the other tab sections within the microsite, but will be able to fully leverage the filter, download, send and schedule capabilities within the analytics section.



Text navigation item available for Microsites


When setting the navigation structure for your microsites, you can now create a text navigation option. This allows you to provide a drop down option showcasing other landing pages, links or tracks, without the need for the parent item to be linked to anything else.






VEX has been updated to Zoom SDK version 1.9.1


This update provides support for gallery view (in Zoom Webinars) amongst other new features. Create even more interaction for your live events, using Zoom SDK 1.9.1. Note: we’ve automatically applied this update for all PathFactory VEX customers, so no action is required on your part to take advantage of these new features.

Visit the Zoom Web SDK release notes page for further details.



VEX analytics tab available for Reporter role


Reporter roles are now able to access the analytics section of each VEX event. Any user with this role type will only see the “Configure” button for the VEX event and when they click it will take them directly to the analytics tab. They will not be able to see or access the other tab sections within the event, but will be able to fully leverage the filter, download, send and schedule capabilities within the analytics section.



Website Tools


Multiple title types for recommendations


Every B2B website is created differently and website owners use different tags to identify the titles of their pages. We have added a new feature which provides complete flexibility on how we index the title of your web pages which is subsequently shown within Guide and Concierge for website recommendations.

You can now choose from “meta title” (the og:title in the HTML of the page) or “page title” (HTML ) tags to be indexed. In addition to this, PathFactory can also predict a title based on natural language processing techniques. If your web pages are not set with appropriate meta or page titles or you don’t wish to use those, then you can choose the predicted title option to show as part of recommendations.</p> <p><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_11.png" width="500"></img></span></p> <p>Moreover, many websites tend to follow a norm of either prefixing or suffixing the title of the page with the company name separated by a special character such as a pipe (“|”), colon (“:”) or hyphen (“-”). You can easily specify the suffix or prefix to be removed from the titles indexed across your recommendation content pool in the same pop-up modal window as above.</p> <p>TITLE BEFORE<br /><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_12.png" width="250"></img></span></p> <p>TITLE AFTER<br /><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_13.png" width="250"></img></span></p> <p> </p> <hr> </hr> <p> </p> </p></div> <div class="sect8"> <h2 id="improved-recommendations" >Improved Recommendations</h2> <p> </p> <p>As our recommendation engine acquires more data to learn about the accuracy and performance of the recommendations Website Tools provides, we continuously improve the algorithms to provide better and more personalized results. With this release we have improved our underlying Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis to provide more accurate recommendations for related content (i.e. content based filtering). This release also provides significant improvements in analyzing visitor’s engagement and their historical data along with other similar visitors (collaborative filtering), improving the performance of personalized recommendations, such as ‘recommended for you’.</p> <p> </p> <hr> </hr> <p> </p> </p></div> </p></div> <div class="smainset3"> <h1 id="pathfactory-for-sales" >PathFactory for Sales</h1> <p> </p> <div class="sect8"> <h2 id="groove-tracking-now-available" >Groove tracking now available</h2> <p>Groove is now available in the drop down list of email tracking options within the PathFactory for Sales Content Activation Tab. If your sales team uses Groove as their Sales Engagement tool, they can now deliver content to prospects and track the generated engagement within Salesforce.</p> <p><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_14.png" width="600"></img></span></p> <p> </p> <hr> </hr> <p> </p> </p></div> <div class="sect8"> <h2 id="set-a-query-record-limit" >Set a query record limit</h2> <p>On occasion when searching within PathFactory for Sales, you may have experienced a continual load screen that does not resolve and display results. This occurs when a large volume of queries are returned by your search. In order to more consistently display results, we’ve added the ability for PathFactory for Sales admins to set a query record limit so keep results loading properly. Simply go to your Dashboard Settings and navigate to the Debug section where you can set these limits.</p> <p><i>Note: The PathFactory limit is used for fetching the emails from our database. Once we fetch these emails, we query Salesforce to fetch Salesforce data for these emails. The Salesforce limit is to configure how much data should be fetched from Salesforce. We sort the visitor emails based on their engagement time, so it will always fetch the data for the top visitors.</i></p> <p><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_15.png" width="600"></img></span></p> <p> </p> <hr> </hr> <p> </p> </p></div> <div class="sect8"> <h2 id="virtual-events-configuration-tab-now-available-for-chrome-extension" >Virtual Events configuration tab now available for Chrome Extension</h2> <p>Within the Sales Tools Configuration tab of the Organization Settings, you can now select whether you want your Virtual Events content to be included or excluded from the Chrome Extension.</p> <p><span class="image"><img decoding="async" alt="image" src="http://pathfactory.com/nook-knowledgebase/21_rel_c_16.png" width="700"></img></span></p> <p> </p> <hr> </hr> <p> </p> </p></div> </p></div> <p>Well, you may have lost an hour of sleep this week but we hope that these new features will help to streamline your workflows and give you more time back. Who knows, maybe a mid-afternoon siesta is even in your future!</p> <p> </p> <p>Views: 0</p> </div> <div class="hkb-article__lastupdated" itemprop="dateModified"> Updated on June 28, 2022 </div> <div class="hkb-article-tags"> Tagged: <a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/campaign-tools/" rel="tag">Campaign Tools</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/content-management/" rel="tag">Content Management</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/explore/" rel="tag">Explore</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/integrations/" rel="tag">Integrations</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/microsites/" rel="tag">Microsites</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/pathfactory-for-sales/" rel="tag">PathFactory for Sales</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/platform-admin/" rel="tag">Platform Admin</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/vex/" rel="tag">VEX</a><a href="https://support.pathfactory.com/tags/website-tools/" rel="tag">Website Tools</a></div> <div class="hkb-feedback"> <span class="hkb-feedback__title">Was this article helpful?</span> <div class="ht-voting" id ="ht-voting-post-332"> <div class="ht-voting-links ht-voting-none"> <a class="ht-voting-upvote enabled" rel="nofollow" role="button" data-direction="up" data-type="post" data-nonce="0e21cb8382" data-id="332" data-allow="1" data-display="standard" href="#"> <i class="hkb-upvote-icon"></i> <span>Yes</span> </a> <a class="ht-voting-downvote enabled" rel="nofollow" role="button" data-direction="down" data-type="post" data-nonce="0e21cb8382" data-id="332" data-allow="1" data-display="standard" href="#"> <i class="hkb-upvote-icon"></i> <span>No</span> </a> </div> <!-- no new vote --> </div> </div> <div id="pf-recommendations"></div> <div class="ht-mobile-exit"><strong class="ht-mobile-exit__title">Need Support?</strong><div class="hkb_widget_exit__content">Can't find the answer you're looking for? 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