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  4. Creating, Analyzing & Sharing Reports for Templated Experiences and Content Playlists

Creating, Analyzing & Sharing Reports for Templated Experiences and Content Playlists

The Analytics tab in Templated Experiences displays detailed insights into visitors and account engagement on the content that has been shared via a Templated Experience. This article describes how to create reports, share them, and how to view scheduled reports.

There are 3 sub tabs on the Analytics tab: Visitors & Accounts, Content Performance, and Form Performance, as highlighted in the screen capture below.

Note: To navigate to this view, refer to the steps in the procedure below this screen capture. 

Analytics tabs
Analytics tabs

Note: You can customize the data presented on these sub tabs by using the filters provided on each of the sub tabs.

Here you can view analytic reports to see how your Templated Experiences are performing. This reporting enables you to view engagement metrics such as total engagement time, total views, bounce rate, and more.

You’ll notice there are three toggles you can use to view the data in different ways.

Visitors Accounts toggles
Visitors Accounts toggles

Visitor Exclusion – This toggle is particularly useful for filtering out internal traffic from your organization, to ensure that analytics only captures genuine external engagement.

Exclude Bot Traffic – This toggle is, by default, turned On to automatically remove bot traffic from reporting views. Marketers can turn Off the toggle to better understand what activation channels may be sending a lot of bot traffic to experiences vs. real human engagement.

Include 0 Duration – This toggle lets you include or exclude 0-second visits, which can be helpful to understand general visits to content. Even brief visits can provide insights into user behavior. For example, a user might leave a page quickly if the content does not meet their expectations or if they accidentally clicked on a link.

To navigate to the Analytics tab, follow these steps. 

  1. Open a Templated Experience in edit mode. To do this, follow these navigation instructions depending on which version of PathFactory your organization is using.
  • In the legacy interface, on the top navigation click Content Activation and then select Templated Experiences
Templated Experiences menu item
  • In the latest interface, expand the panel on the left side and then in the Content Experiences section, select Templated Experiences or Content Playlists.
Side menu bar
Side menu bar
  1. In the list of Experiences that appears, select the Templated Experience or Content Playlist for which you want to see analytic reports, and then click the edit icon as shown below. 
Edit icon
  1. With the Templated Experience or Content Playlist open, select its Analytics tab. 
Analytics Form Performance Templated Experiences
Analytics Form Performance

Visitors & Accounts 

On this tab you see engagement data for Views, Visitors, Accounts, and Time Spent within a Templated Experience. The table below the screenshot explains the data being shown in each field. 

Visitors & Accounts tab
Total ViewsThis is the total number of views, no matter if the visitor is returning or viewing the Templated Experience for the first time. This metric does not discriminate between visitor types; instead, it records the number of views across all visitors.
Bounce RateThis is the percentage of visitors who enter and leave a single page – e.g., a Landing Page of a Templated Experience – without taking any further action.Bounce rate is calculated by taking the number of bounces divided by the number of sessions in a given period. However, if the visitor completes a content click or fills out a form though, it is not considered a bounce. Even though the visitor only viewed one page, because they completed an action, it is not considered a bounce.  
Engaged VisitorsThis is the total number of visitors.
New VisitorsThis is the number of initial visits that occurred within the selected date range in the filter.For example, if the first visit occurs within the selected date filter in the dashboard, then the visit is considered as coming from a new visitor.
Engaged AccountsThis is the total number of accounts that visited your Templated Experience for the selected date range.
Total Engagement TimeThis is the total amount of time visitors have spent viewing the Templated Experience and the content included within it. Displayed in HH:MM:SS.
Avg Engagement TimeThis is the average amount of time visitors spent with the content asset. This is calculated by dividing the Total Engagement Time by the Total Views. Displayed in HH:MM:SS.
Engagement Trends for the PeriodThis chart shows the daily total engagement for the chosen period for each Landing Page (not Content Pages) in the Templated Experience.

Visitors & Accounts Continued

Below is a screen capture and the metric definitions for reporting in the tables below the main charts on the Visitors and Accounts tab.

# of AccountsThis is the total number of unique accounts from which  visitors accessed your Templated Experience. (See also Engaged Accounts.)
Most Engaged AccountsThis is a list of accounts that have engaged with the content.  A session is a visit to the experience or content from a single visitor. A visit consists of clicking on Landing Pages, viewing content assets, downloading information, and form fills. This list contains your most-engaged accounts from the selected filter time frame, ranked in order by total session counts. 
# of VisitorsThis is the total number of visitors who clicked on your Templated Experience.
Most Engaged VisitorsThis is the total number of visitors who engaged with your Templated Experience during the selected period.
Top 3 IndustriesThese are the 3 industries (based on total engagement time) that have engaged the most with your Templated Experience.
Top IndustriesThese are the top industries that have engaged most with your content (based on total engagement time), up to 20 industries. 
To 3 CountriesThese are the 3 countries (based on total engagement time) that have engaged with your Templated Experience. 
Top CountriesThese are the top countries that have engaged the most with your content, up to 20 countries.

All Visitors Data Table

To see a detailed examination of the specific content viewed by individual visitors and to see a comprehensive view of a visitor’s journey, scroll down the Visitors & Accounts page further to view the All Visitors Data table.  The Content Internal Title column displays the specific content asset titles a visitor has engaged with.

All Visitors Data
All Visitors Data table

To sort the columns, click the down arrow on a table column within the header row. You may sort the Identity, Content Internal Title and Visit Time columns to view the table from different perspectives. Below is an example of the Identity column sorting options. You can sort by Page Views, Last Visit Date, Conversion Rate, and more.

Identity Column Sorting
Identity column sorting options

Content Performance

On this sub tab you see top performing Content, Topics, and Channels for the Templated Experience.  Below the screen capture read on to find out what data is being shown here.

Content Performance tab
Known VisitorsThis is the number of known visitors that have viewed your content. A known visitor is someone that has spent time engaging with your Templated Experience and is associated with an email address. The visitor either clicked an email tracking link or filled out a form (with the capture tag on it).
Unknown VisitorsThese are visitors who do not have an email address associated with their engagement data. The visitors may or may not be associated with an account but their individual details are still unknown (name, title, email, etc.).
For unknown visitors, we collect their data under a unique cookie based identifier to reconcile their previously recorded engagement data under the de-anonymized profile when it becomes available.
Content Views GraphThis is the total number of page views for all content assets in any and all of the Landing Pages built within a given Templated Experience.
Trending TopicsThese are the topics that your visitors engaged with most for the chosen period, sorted by popularity. Topics shown are Smart Topics captured in the content library.  Smart Topics are suggested topics provided by PathFactory’s Smart Content Insights. The text is extracted from your text-based content assets, and then analyzed to provide these suggested topics.
Top 3 AssetsThis graph shows page views for the three content assets that visitors engaged with the most.
Top 3 ChannelsThis graph shows page views from direct, internal or other channels.Channels are detected based on the UTM parameter utm_medium. If the value is NULL or empty then it is considered direct traffic, if the value is unknown, then it is considered other. Any other value detected is listed in direct or internal channels. (Note: It is very important that you use UTM strings on all your PathFactory experiences to optimize your reporting and performance analysis.)
Top Performing ContentThis table provides a list of your top 20 content assets according to their total page views. This table also provides the total number of visitors each content asset had.
Top Performing ChannelsThese are the channels that have engaged the most with your content. The channels listed here are shown based on the utm_medium captured from the query string of a content URL.
Top Performing CampaignsThis list is based on the utm_campaign, captured from the query string of a content URL or the name of the email campaign activated in PathFactory.
# of CampaignsThis section displays the total number of campaigns that have used or are using this Templated Experience.
Performance of Template ElementsThis table lists the Landing Pages for the given Templated Experience, its page views, unique visitors, # events, #CTA clicks, average scroll depth (expressed as a percentage), and the average # of events per visitor.  An event in this case is a click, whether it’s on content, CTAs, or even scrolling through the Templated Experience without clicking on any of the content itself. 

Form Performance

On this sub tab you see top performing forms for Content, Topics, and Channels for the Templated Experience.  Below the screen capture read on to find out what data is being shown here.

Form Performance tab
Form Views Distributed for the PeriodThis section is a graphical presentation of how many times forms have appeared within the time period selected.
Form ViewsThis is the number of times a form for a given Templated Experience has been viewed by a visitor.
Form CapturesThis is the number of times a form has been filled out by a visitor.
Form PerformanceThis is a graphical representation of the number of times a form captured information versus the number of times a form was left unfilled.
Form Performance by AccountThe table in this section displays a detailed list of the accounts that have filled in forms, measured by Number of Visitors, Number of Sessions, Average Session Duration, Number of Form Views, Form Captures, and Form Capture success rate.
Form Performance by Landing Page or ContentThe table in this section displays a detailed list of the content assets that have performed best in terms of form captures, displaying the Page Type (Landing Page or content library), Content Name, Number of Form Captures, and Capture Rate per asset. 

How to Download and Share Analytic Reports

To see sharing options for your reports, click on the three dots to see the Reports Sharing menu, as highlighted below. 

Reports Sharing menu

This Reports Sharing menu contains the following options:

Clear Cache & Refresh – This option clears the file cache on your computer and runs the report again, using the filters you had set. 

Download – Select this option to create a copy of the report and save it to your hard drive. A popup menu appears so that you may select the Format (PDF, CSV, or SFTP), Paper Size (Letter, Legal, etc.), and the appearance of its tables and dashboard tiles. 

Schedule Delivery – Select this option to see a popup menu for sharing the report in a specific format (PDF, PNG, or CSV) via a specific delivery method (Email, Webhook, Amazon S3, or SFTP). Depending on which options you choose here, the menu updates accordingly in real time. 

See section below for a full description of this menu.

Schedule Delivery menu

Note: To see what your report will look like to your visitors, enter your own email address in the field provided, and then click Test now. This will send a one-time email to the address you entered. 

How to Schedule Analytic Report Deliveries 

The Settings popup menu has three tabs: Settings, Filters, and Advanced Options. On this menu you specify format, delivery method, recipients and more. 

Settings tab

On the Settings tab, create a name for the schedule, how often you want to send out the report, what time of day to send the report, the recipients’ email addresses, the format of the report (PDF, PNG, CSV) and the delivery method (Email, Webhook, SFTP, Amazon S3). 

Report Formats are listed and described below.

  • PDF – Consistent formatting, security features, printability, and multi-page support.
  • PNG – Lossless compression for high-quality images, and suitable for graphics and other visual elements.
  • CSV – Lightweight file size, data interoperability, editable, and compatible with data analysis tools.

Report Delivery Methods are listed and described below.

  • Email – Widely used, accessible, and supports various file formats.
  • Webhook – Real-time updates and seamless integration with other systems.
  • SFTP – Secure data transfer, suitable for large files.
  • Amazon S3 – Scalable storage, reliable, and integrates well with cloud services.

How to Preview a Report 

To see a preview of how your report will look to visitors, enter an email address that belongs to you in the field provided, and then click Test Now

Filters tab

Below is an example of the Filters tab in the Schedule Delivery menu, where you can set the filters to suit your intended audience. You’ll notice in the screen capture below, not all filter types have been defined. The more filters you set, the narrower the list of recipients will be. 

Filters tab

Advanced Options tab

On this tab you may add a custom message to include with the scheduled report (if you are sending the report via email). You may also specify the appearance of tables that are included in the report, the appearance of the dashboard tiles, the paper size of the report (legal, letter, etc.), and the time zone for delivery. 

Advanced Options tab

Remember to Save your settings to lock in your changes. Otherwise, select Cancel

How to View Scheduled Analytic Reports

To view or edit a report’s parameters, delivery schedule, recipients and more, follow these steps. 

  1. On the main navigation bar, select Path Analytics, and then select Scheduled Reports
Scheduled Reports menu item
  1. The next screen opens, displaying a list of ongoing delivery for reports. To edit a report, select its title.
Schedule Reports menu
  1. The selected report opens. All of the filters for this report are displayed at the top of the screen. You may adjust any of these filters as you wish, which will alter the content that will be included in the report. Further down the screen, the consumption metrics that will be included in the given report are displayed.
Overview Report
  1. To edit the timing, content or recipients of the report, click the 3 dots icon as shown below, and then in the menu that drops down, select Schedule Delivery
Schedule Delivery menu item
  1. Because this report is already scheduled to be delivered, a new popup menu appears. 
Schedules menu
  1. On this menu, you can create a New delivery schedule for the report, send it out immediately by clicking Send Now, or edit the schedule by clicking the 3 dots icon to see more options. 
Schedules menu
  1. You can clone this report and its schedule by clicking Duplicate. You may also Edit or Delete this report. Duplicate and Edit take you to the main Schedule Delivery menu to adjust the settings. Cloning the report is useful if you are creating more than one report that are similar to each other.

Updated on June 20, 2024

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