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How are page views recorded in PathFactory?



This article explains how PathFactory analytics report on scenarios in which visitors might do one or more of the following:

  • Scenario 1: Visitor refreshes the browser tab on which a PathFactory Content Track had already been opened. Example video shown below:
    • How This Gets Reported in PathFactory Analytics:
      • The amount of time spent engaging with an asset before refreshing the browser tab is added up to the amount spent engaging with the same asset after refreshing the tab.
      • The total amount will be tallied up and reported as one single asset visit.
        Example: If a visitor initially engages with an asset for 2 minutes, refreshes the browser tab where the asset is displayed, and then subsequently engages with the same asset for an additional 26 seconds, the visit will be reported as shown below:
        imageSession details example

  • Scenario 2: Visitor closes the PathFactory Content Track tab and reopens it. Example video shown below:
  • How This Gets Reported in PathFactory Analytics:
    • If the visitor re-opens the browser tab to engage with the same asset within 30 minutes after they had closed the tab, or before the start of a new calendar day, the visit will be reported as follows:
      • The amount of time spent engaging with an asset before closing the browser tab is added up to the amount spent engaging with the same asset after opening a new browser tab in the same browser.
      • The total amount will be tallied up and get reported as one single asset visit.
        Example: If a visitor initially engages with an asset for 2 minutes, closes the browser tab where the asset is displayed, and then subsequently re-opens the same content track to re-engage with the same asset for an additional 26 seconds, the visit will get reported as shown below
        imageSession details example
    • If the visitor re-opens the browser tab to engage with the same asset 30minutes or more after they had closed the tab – or after the start of a new calendar day, the visit prior to closing the tab, and the visit to the same asset after re-opening the tab will get reported as two separate visits.
      Example: If a visitor engages with an asset for 2 minutes 26 seconds at 11:30am, closes the browser tab where the asset is displayed, and subsequently re-opens the same content track to re-engage with the same asset for an additional 42 seconds at 12:05pm – or any later time, the two visits will get reported independently as shown in our analytics.
      imageVisitor Activity example
  • Scenario 3: Visitor Opens the PathFactory Content Track in a browser tab, engages with the PathFactory Content Track, and proceeds after to use other browser tabs while making the PathFactory Content Track tab a background tab as shown below:
  • How This Gets Reported in PathFactory Analytics:
    • Our platform will attempt to stop tracking as engagement the amount of time that the PathFactory tab remains as a background. However, this is dependent on whether the browser can successfully communicate to out platform that a PathFactory tab has become a background tab.
      We have found that browsers are intermittently successful in doing this. As such, we cannot guarantee that when a PathFactory browser tab becomes a background tab, the total engagement time will not include the amount of time the PathFactory tab was a background tab.
      Note: If a visitor has multiple monitors or multiple browsers, and if the visitor opens a PathFactory Content Track in one browser or screen, keeps the PathFactory Content Track as the active tab, then proceeds to open something else on the other monitor or browser, our analytics will still include in the engagement time the amount of time the PathFactory tab was open in one monitor or browser while the visitor was performing other tasks on the other browser/monitor.

  • Scenario 4: Browsing Assets within a PathFactory Content Track.
    • How This Gets Reported in PathFactory Analytics:
      • Each visit to each of the assets will get reported independently in our analytics.
        Example: Note how in the screenshot shown below, re-engaging with the same asset gets reported independently since the visitor clicks on other assets in between re-visiting the same asset.
        imageSession Details example
Updated on April 13, 2023

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